Jeb Bush Still Resents Trump. Wants Republican To Challenge Him, As Long As It Isn't Him

in dtube •  6 years ago 

Jeb Bush because of his resentment and derangement towards President Trump after his destroying in during the last presidential election cycle wants the Republican Party to go against a tradition both parties have followed. He wants them to to bring a Republican challenger or challengers into the mix against him knowing full well it is not the best thing to do in regards to the party or the country. This is when the party of the incumbent President does not do it for those exact reasons.

In this video we take a look at Jeb Bush’s resentment and hate for Trump cause him to call for the Republican Party to do something against it’s interests and the interests of their constiuents.

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Twitter: Banned (Formerly @ConsLibertarian)

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The underlying notion that Trumps hate Bushes and that Bushes would support Democrats over Trump is standard MSM propaganda. It is neither deep nor accurate.

What do we have to indicate that the statements by either are actually true?

Donald Trump says bad things about the Bushes and the Bushes say bad things about Trump. That's not very convincing unless you believe both are truthful speakers or you can find something to back up their statements. There is not much to back up their statements. J

What do we have to indicate that the statements are themselves propaganda?

Donald Trump continues standard Republican policies -- tax cuts and deregulation.

In fact, Donald Trump supports the notorious "Bush agenda," the policy paper written in 2000 called "Rebuilding America's Defenses" by the Project for a New American Century -- expanding the military, increasing tensions with Iran, and the Space Force -- all major pieces of the Bush agenda.

But they say they hate each other!

A less MSM and more logical analysis of the 'hate' is that Jeb Bush is playing the role of being the angry establishment voice so that surface viewers can believe that Donald Trump is the "outsider." He is not. The policies demonstrate that Donald Trump is not an outsider.

What better way to convince people that DJT is an outsider than to have a consummate insider complain about him?