Dig In On Comments | Reserve Some Voting Power for Comments

in dtube •  7 years ago  (edited)

This topic was first introduced to me a while ago in a video by @flauwy where he talked about how he went through his comments and managed that process a bit, so shout out to him for teaching me some things. In the spirit of continuing the topic a bit on Managing Your Voting Power, I'd like for you to consider how you reserve some voting power to engage with your followers/subscribers in your comment section. Hope you enjoy the video.

With Gratitude,
Captain Bob

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As always great video and great advice. Keep them coming sir

Thanks Bo! Appreciate you always!

Yeah I always try to reserve about 10% of a vote for all comments. Interestingly enough, I know some people upvote their own comment just so it gets seen so that's also something to keep in mind. Great video as always!

Yes I've seen that many times as well on people upvoting their own comments. Reserving 10% is not a bad way of looking at it perhaps. Thanks for watching as always!

It took me MONTHS before my posts broke $1 but my comments were getting attention and earning much more than my content.
It's a huge part of community building. A part of what I call the 3 C's: Content, COMMENTS, Curation.

Amen! Love the 3 C's and I totally agree! It's such a huge part of community. Thank you for sharing!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I appreciate this because for the first month all I did was comment and interact with the people I followed. I earned 10 sbd and it lit a fire under me that you would not believe. I fell in love with the platform. Once I started posting it was game over. It all started with comments and the encouragement of the people who posted on steemit. i.e. @drkent was instrumental to my motivation. No pun intended lol.

I think you mean

fell in*

Oops, yes I did. Thanks. I appreciate that.

Yeah man totally agree. The interaction is something that encourages me continuously. I just love the relationship aspect of interacting with folks really.

Can't thank you enough Skipper. The gift of your experience is invaluable. I checked out seem.supply quickly yesterday, there's some valuable information there for sure. Couldn't quite figure out the upvoting power works but I'll dig back into it again today.

Thanks buddy. Steem.supply has tons of info, and heck I'm probably not making the most of it either, but like everything here, it's a work in progress : )

It was @paulag who told me some weeks ago that's it's very important to have good curators. And that's why I agree with you that good comments deserve some love as well.
That tip of going through your comments and separating what the valuable ones are is very good and I will try that out. But usually I interact very fast with the people commenting my videos. I should probably wait a little longer.
Since I have the slider I also started upvoting comments. Just a little symbolic amount but my true appreciation to a very good comment comes with the answer and sometimes the discussion that starts with it.

I think taking your time through comments was some of the very best advice that @flawey shared perhaps. His video showing him really going through and evaluating the comments, if they had liked the post, etc. really helped shape my process a bit now. I'm not saying I'm doing it as best I could, but I'm working on it more intentionally now.

And you also need the time to do it that intensively...

Ah this is definitely an important conversation to have @captainbob. Ever since I got my slider I've been sharing a standard set vote to those who leave a legitimate comment. A "legitimate comment" IMO is simply sharing something specific about the video OR something thoughtful, personal, or entertaining. Nothing crazy, just something that shows you care and aren't just in it for the upvote. Then for those special comments I always upvote with 100% power because I believe those are the interactions that really breath life into your posts!

I agree. Sometime there are just comments that "speak" to me more than others, and those I consider larger upvotes for in my process. I'm still working through it, but definitely I put more thought into it now more than ever.

This is something I have been working on. I feel like I am getting better at it and totally agree some votes should go to the comment section. It's such a difficult balancing act between content and comments. Hopefully I find my voting groove soon.

I'm tweaking it as time goes on for sure and perhaps I'll change my mind as well, but just being more intentional is my goal right now and you are right, it is such a balancing act!

Glad that you touched upon this! Actually, for me, the comments are the most rewarding part of this experience. It's so great to read what others have to say on your subject, as well as giving comments too. I'm usually the-long-comment type of person, I could improve my brevity. :D
Take a dip in the comment section, Captain! :)

That's how we make a #fulfilling #community that lasts :)

Nothing wrong with long comments as long as they have purpose, haha. I'm working harder on the commenting process and trying to up my game in that area. Like everything here, it's definitely a work in progress for me. Thanks for the comment!

This really inspire me and that I should give more time to dig in to the posts and comments.

It is always a two way thing that interaction benefits both the author and the readers/ commentors.

We always learn thing through communication between two channel.

Thanks for this tip.

Hope it was helpful and that you will at least think about commenting and how you use your upvotes. Thanks for watching and commenting!

It is most of the time that individual actions are guided or inspired by someone. It is really helpful for me and hope for most of your follower and reader that we build a more better steemit-dtube-utopia-io and other steem community a place to hangout and share meaningful thoughts and ideas for all of us to grow and benefit.


It's hard to manage voting power, as it is impossible to guess what will be coming.
It is frustrating to see an awesome post without having voting power.
Thanks for your video.

I think as you engage with the community, through posting or commenting; you will be engaged back.

I think you can manage your #VotingPower by only consuming 20% of your votingpower-pool per day. I have heard that at 100% voting power, you can only regenerate 10 upvotes per day.

It is definitely a balancing act and just takes practice. Even then, you might have a post that really takes off with many comments and you need to have enough voting power remaining to help engage your comments section.

Its a good thing for the viewers or follower to get something from their author because they are spending time to write the comment on your post.

I agree as long as the comment is meaningful to the overall conversation. Some just seem to comment to be able to say they commented, and aren't really contributing to the convo. That, I don't feel to be authentic.

I don't have many comments, but I do vote on any one that I get ;) heh heh cuz any comments for me is exciting.

In time, you will receive more comments as you create more. Just be consistent and persistent. That, I believe, is the key. It certainly doesn't happen overnight. Thanks for watching and commenting!

I have no understanding of voting power. It's an area I need to learn.

It's important to get a basic understanding of I believe because your curation is really important to your community I believe. I hope if nothing else, this causes you to consider it as an area to learn more :)

I am attempting. I did use the slider on dtube to lower my voting power to 90%. I have about 52% left so it sounds like I should hold off upvoting for a few days?
Curating is commenting and upvoting, is that correct?

Kind of depends on how many posts you try to upvote, but I'll tell you that for me I lower my voting power to 10% to start with and work my way up as I go. If I see something I really like, I can then increase my upvote. If you are down to 52%, I would give it a couple of days to recharge you back up personally.

Will do. Thanks

I'm looking forward to the day I finally get a slider. At this point, I spend as much time as I can supporting the comments because my vote is always worth 100% so I'll give as much love as I can but when you have more selective power you can really support the people that influence you the most. It's a great way to show your appreciation and connect more deeply with people.
Comments ftw! 🧡

You can use busy.org to break out your percentage until you get to the 500SP! Just a little different interface to the steemit platform!

I didn't know this at all. I never use busy. Thanks for the tip! 😊

good dtube dtubedaily post thanks for shearing

Awesome dtube daily post i like this post and i excited to see next post

used to cassettes had. now is the phone mp3.

Thanks for sharing us to book our comment n respective awaiting for ur response

I will to try.

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Haha, I also look slightly into who's commenting. I normally don't upvote the spammers and just let them be.

What a great post. Times like these are when I I really wish we could upvote past the 7 day mark.

I am still learning about the platform, but I started paying more attention to comments and voting power after a Steem Meetup where I met a few more experianced Steemians and got some great advice. Anyway, I love how you presented the material in a clear, concise way. I'm new to DTube myself and have a lot to learn, but certainly look forward to checking out some of your more current posts so I can upvote accordingly.