Chris craving crack so bad, hes been building tires to go get it since 4:30am it was 5:45 pm

in dtube •  7 years ago 

Carterx7 taking a snippet of drug addicts and some of the things they do. This man use to weigh 198lbs, hes currently weighing almost 72lbs. Primary addiction consist of crack, and heroin with a few pain pills and Xanax when he has hustled a few extra dollars to buy said stuff. This mans name is Chris, hes been trying different tires on a car that he blew the tire on, he tried a series of lawn mower wheels, other random tires he found or had taken, even a few truck tires. This has been going on since his cravings hit him at 4:00 am this morning during the recording of this snippet it was 5:15pm ish. This snippet is not in anyway to endorse drug use, or to make fun of him, its going to be inside a possible documentary that may be created. This man has tried rehab several times however he says he wants to go home after a day or so and the place he is at allows him to leave, hes usually in some form of withdrawal so cravings and a strong urge to get whatever drug hes craving is the top priority on his mind. Mr. Chris has done everything from stealing from his mother, to beating her up and knocking out her teeth and denture partial to get the 20.00 dollars he needs to satisfy the cravings and urges. Again by no means does this snippet endorse the use of drugs its to deter the use of. Parents and those of you who have children around these snippets are part of a small documentary that may be made hopefully as a tool to prevent people primarily children and teens from using.

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great post bro - keeping awareness with real events/people i think is really helpful - how easy we can be out of sight out of mind often leading us to do nothing...I know a lot of addicts that are really good at hiding it - most people (in my experience) just need a safe place with people that will legitimately care about them...keep it up

and got your text - we will be in touch - been a crazy 24 hours with my wife getting back - the house has been a wreck with out her : o

Hahahahaha... Been there done that you and family doing good? Hit me up anytime.

alive working hard...just recovery - reconnecting with my wife and got my 3rd and 4th start school this week!

Very bad these people are really playing with family and own life to use heroin,pain pills and Xanax etc.

Why do humans turn to Evil ? This is sad , I pray that people abusing drugs can have a wake up call and change

I don't think they/us/them turn evil, then again some probably do I think they just walk down that road and dont want to come back. I to suffered this fate for a while.. I just really hope theres some redemption at the end of the day ya know? But I guess only time will tell. Oh, make sure you check out Brooke's goofing off videos if you get a few. :)

Humanity will be restored one day ! And hehe I will check them out today :)

Humans are easily addicted to everething from drugs to sugra, food etc. I remember when so called ''bath salts'' hit my country, they transformed the city into a city o f zombies in 1 month. Glad that is over now.

Man, bath salts are rough.. really rough I'm sorry you had to go through that, every time I think of those it makes me a bit on edge. I remember back in 2010 I had found a few Soldiers in a different platoon on a bunch of different types and they had the zombie chaotic thing going on, it was an instant throw the book at them, luckily by punishing them to the max it was a good way to prevent others but it was still terrifying at the thought of several soldiers and N.C.Os turning in to that... Sorry you had to witness and deal with that.

Does he have a hospital band on his wrist? It looks like it is one. I hope whatever happens he is okay.

Yeah he did kiddo.. You and Rachel have been with me when ive dropped off food to a lot of these people. Brooke, dont judge these people when i say these people im talking about the addicts ill have on here i dont have many names so i am referring to them as these people no one is perfect and remember they are sons, daughters, fathers and mothers to people and thet have a heart. Promise me okay? Ive taught you both the goods and bads of life but sweetheart its important you understand all of us can be redemed.. Okay?

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so there is no one to help those addicts maybe a rehab center