Rarely Seen Video - Ukrainian General: "Ukraine is under Zionist occupation." - Reveals CIA Agents and Mason Oligarchs in Ukraine Conducted Coup. Simferopol, March 7, 2014.

in dtube •  7 years ago 

Ukrainian General-Colonel Yan Kazemirovich from Kiev reveals CIA agents and Masons in Ukraine. Simferopol, March 7, 2014.


Viktor Pinchuk, who General Kazemirovich mentions, is the Ukrainian oligarch that has been funding Hillary Clinton's campaign and various organizations. Naked Capitalism has the complete story on the funding with all the links:


Ukrainian Squillionare Victor Pinchuk and His Clinton, Brookings, and Peterson Connections

Posted on September 28, 2014 by Lambert Strether

Lambert here: This is gloriously seamy. The true greatness of the American political class is that they’ll all take money from anybody, so you get stories like this one, where the Clintons, Brookings, and Pete Peterson’s talking shop all cheerfully rake in the dough from an innocent Ukrainian pipemaker and art collector whose $700 million new plant produces steel for seamless pipes used in a wide range of products sold in 80 countries, including pipelines. So one can only wonder what he thought he was buying with his money. I mean, besides art.


How damaging this may be for the health depends on how Victor Pinchuk (image left, right), the Ukrainian pipemaker, responds to filings in the Moscow Arbitrazh Court. Reported publicly this week, the court papers suggest that through companies registered in Cyprus, Pinchuk milked about $200 million from the Rossiya Insurance Company in Moscow. For the time being, the Russian court action is a civil one, and seeks repayment by Pinchuk’s East One holding and related companies. If Pinchuk doesn’t repay, Cyprus, European Union, and US court action, alleging conspiracy to defraud, is likely to follow. Pinchuk’s innocence should be assumed in the meantime. Drinking raw milk, however, carries a contamination risk.

Audited public records reveal that the Clinton family consumed at least $13 million from Pinchuk between 2006 and the end of 2012. Pinchuk’s foundation hasn’t released its accounts for 2013 or the first half of 2014, so the Clinton (right) total is likely to have grown. The Clinton Foundation will not explain the multi-million dollar discrepancy between what Pinchuk says he’s been paying, and what the Clintons claim to have been receiving, so there’s no telling how much extra has been taken by the Clintons in expense-paid trips and speaking fees. The Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) in Washington claims it is “an independent, private, nonprofit institution for rigorous, intellectually honest study and open discussion of international economic policy. Its work is made possible by financial support from a highly diverse group of philanthropic foundations, private corporations, and interested individuals.” The institute also claims that the “sources of financial support for the Institute have been listed annually on the PIIE website since June 2013. All Institute books, Policy Briefs, and working papers acknowledge any direct funding sources, and web pages for these publications provide links to underlying data files to demonstrate the independence of analysis.”

In fact, the institute’s list of its donors doesn’t identify Pinchuk. The record of the institute’s employment of Aslund (below) to write on Ukraine is lengthy too, but there is no mention that Pinchuk has been footing the bill. Aslund’s tribute to Pinchuk’s father-in-law, ex-president Leonid Kuchma, identifies the Peterson Institute as owner of the copyright. “Whatever happened under [Kuchma’s] rule,” Aslund and the institute have declared, “he created a functioning democracy. One reflection of Ukraine’s democratic strength is that both Kuchma and his predecessor, Leonid Kravchuk, remain public personalities. Kuchma’s 70th birthday is an opportunity to celebrate his contributions. Few people have done so much for their country.” Pinchuk is listed as a current director of the PIIE board. This suggests that he continues to transfer money to the institute’s budget. A spokesman for the institute said that in 2013 Pinchuk gave $100,000. For this year, the spokesman added, “we release information on the funding for 2014 at the end of the year. We therefore cannot say what or if the Pinchuk Foundation donated to the Institute in 2014.” Also in Washington, Pinchuk’s foundation (page 65) has been paying the Brookings Institution $200,000 per annum to employ Steven Pifer, a former US Ambassador to Ukraine. According to the Brookings website, “our mission is to conduct high-quality, independent research.” Funding, says Brookings, comes from “generous individuals, foundations, leading corporations, and U.S. and foreign government agencies that share our commitment to quality, independence, and impact in public policy research and analysis.”

A report on fund sources for Brookings, dated May 2013, didn’t mention Pinchuk. A New York report this month on foreign government and corporate lobbying through donations to US think-tanks, including Brookings, failed to mention Ukraine. The Brookings annual report for 2013 identifies Pinchuk as a member of its “international advisory council”, but doesn’t disclose that Pinchuk paid for his seat. According to the Brookings disclosure, the council members “provide invaluable advice and diverse perspectives on developments in their own regions, along with candid insights into how the U.S. and its policies are received abroad.” In what Brookings calls its “Honor Roll of Contributors” for the period July 1, 2012, to June 30, 2013, the Pinchuk foundation is listed in the category of payors of between $100,000 and $249,999. The Pinchuk foundation’s annual statement of its income refers to “contributions and charitable donations from legal entities and individuals”. These are channelled through a UK entity called “The UK Office of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation”. The foundation report claims the foundation took in $14.3 million in 2011; $16.9 million in 2012. Through what entities Pinchuk delivered this cashflow is not disclosed.

Much more at link above.....

More info here on who benefits:


Pinchuk was just one of many oligarchs that benefitted from the coup and subsequent rape of Ukraine that came about through the installation of a fascist government that has openly Nazi troops in its military funded by the United States government. For more info on Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky who also funded the Ukrainian Right Sector Nazi frontline troops, please see the following posts:





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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

An accurate description of what went on in Ukraine, but he'll see that the situation in Russia is not that different.
Freeemason Zionists control Russia too.
Putin may disagree on a few things , and he's not just a puppet, but ultimately he's also part of the Freemason Zionist gang.
Pretty much the whole World is under Zionist occupation.

Indeed it is.......as an example, here's a look at how George Soros and Mikhail Khodorovsky in Russia act as agents of the House of Rothschild. Little theory of mine......Soros is likely the leading Rothschild's agent. His history has been covered up prior to and after WW2. It is still a well guarded mystery who provided funding for his travel across Europe from Hungary to the UK after his aiding the Nazis in WW2. It seems he was allowed ease of access and then provided large sums of money upon his arrival, likely for previous loyalty to the Zionist warmakers . Of course, 1947 is also the same year that Israel and the UN were established, thus my theory postulates that he had serviced his Zionist masters well previously and they found an important future use for him. The 2nd half of the 20th century saw Soros robbing the banks of England and also playing a major role in the rape of the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries, as well as reshaping Europe, particularly when it comes to education, propaganda, buying off politicians and media outlets, through the Soros Open Society Foundation. Slightly off subject, but I believe another sleeper Rothschild's agent was Mikhail Khodorovsky. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Khodorkovsky After the price of oil began to rise again, he established a foundation, Open Russia, in 2001. It was based in Somerset House in London, owned by the Rothschild's Family Trust, with Henry Kissinger as its trustee.
The Foundation's mission statement declared: "The motivation for the establishment of the Open Russia Foundation is the wish to foster enhanced openness, understanding and integration between the people of Russia and the rest of the world." A week after his arrest, the Prosecutor-General froze Khodorkovsky's shares in Yukos in order to prevent Khodorkovsky from selling his shares although he retained all the shares' voting rights and received dividends. In 2003 Khodorkovsky's shares in Yukos passed to Jacob Rothschild under a deal that they had concluded prior to Khodorkovsky's arrest. The following year it had its United States launch in Washington, D.C. In December 2016, a court unfroze $100m of Khodorkovsky's assets that had been held in Ireland. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/3064683.stm Excerpt: Russian tycoon 'names successor'. Russian oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky has named Jacob Rothschild as a possible successor to take over his Yukos oil company if he goes to prison on fraud charges, according to reports. The Rothschilds have financed oil exploration in Russia since the Tsarist period, while Lord Rothschild has close connections with Yukos. If all the top Yukos managers were unable to carry out the role, Lord Rothschild would take over, the company official told Kommersant on condition of anonymity. Mr Khodorkovsky, who has a personal fortune estimated at $8bn has been targeted by prosecutors in what is seen as a politically-driven campaign by Kremlin figures. http://www.fpp.co.uk/online/03/11/Oligarchs121103.html Police raid Sörös office as oil billionaire is refused bail AFTER pouring billions into Russia over the past 15 years, George Sörös's Open Society foundation in Moscow has been raided in what could be the latest step in the investigation against Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the imprisoned oil billionaire. Mr Khodorkovsky, the former head of Yukos, the Russian oil giant, was denied bail yesterday. He was also denied permission to attend the closed session in Basmanny Court, Moscow, which rejected his application.The court ruled at the beginning of the session that it should be closed on the ground that the accused could use an open session to "establish contact with his accomplices", who would in turn "place pressure on those taking part in the court process". The State appeared to be pursuing evidence against Mr Khodorkovsky in the forced entry into Mr Sörös's foundation in Moscow. More than 40 armed men made a surprise raid on the building in central Moscow late last Thursday, shutting many staff in their offices and removing all the files and computers.
Apparently, the raid was ordered by the company that owns the building in order to settle a rent dispute. However, Mr Sörös (left) was rumoured to be a significant shareholder in Yukos and to have invested in its daughter companies. The raid happened a few days after Mr Sörös criticised the arrest of Mr Khodorkovsky in a newspaper owned by the Russian tycoon.

I have actually seen It before, It is a whispering from a Brave General about the Situation in Ukraine, he even is a bit cute when explain he's not a anti-Semite :)
But Important video, worth all attention it can possible get.

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