Introduction & Primer - POLITICS! | ANDREA PRESENTS: Above It All #1

in dtube •  5 years ago 

This is my new series, ABOVE IT ALL, where I will mostly talk about how great and smart I am, but then also talk about serious things in this world, and specifically US Politics. With the 2020 election around the corner, things are getting serious and I need to discuss the seriousness! Enjoy.

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Rather looking forward to this series. This is going to be an epic year for politics and I'm sincerely interested to find out for what reasons politics will drive me to contemplate suicide this year.

Especially anything which may be philosophy related (which you said you'd be doing last year), as it took me a lot of years to finally understand why it's so important. I feel like my understanding of that field is behind where it should be for my age. I suppose I can thank modern academia's ironically anti-intellectual brainwashing culture when it comes to pushing for total STEM supremacy, particularly for anyone who isn't already middle class or above.

Your political stance made me look a bit more into the philosophy of communism/anarchism. It was pretty fun to learn and changed the way I looked at things, even if I didn't always totally agree. For example, I think there's a lot to learn from Marx regardless of what part of the political spectrum you're on, despite the far-right's consistent demonization of his work, which ends up looking pretty fishy once you possess a basic understanding of its content.

Marx is right.

Yeah, history/philosophy/politics are all intertwined, so it'll come up for sure. Critical thinking is really important, and I think me dropping out of highschool and not being indoctrinated so much was a reason I found it interesting as a teenager, but then I decided to play video games all day for 5 years, but either way things are running into the ground and it's hard to not pay attention to it at this point.
