Hillary Clinton: "Nobody Likes Him" ATTACKING Bernie Sanders In Pure Desperation | Above It All #35

in dtube •  5 years ago 

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I don't feel comfortable about this. My primary concern for Bernie Sanders is that the tactics used to toxify Corbyn's name in the UK will be employed to great effect against him by neolibs infiltrators on both the right and the left.

Any politician threatening the status quo of the market will have to face down not only their opponents but often also their own allies. That's when things will start to get really messy and I have no doubt the media will go as far as required in order to ensure the result desired by big money institutions, no matter where that leads. Barefaced lies, out of context and misrepresented quotes, constructed narratives, I'm expecting them all to make frequent appearances from now on.

Perhaps the true irony of this situation is how effectively Trump has undermined public trust in the American media and the fact he laid the groundwork for a candidate like Bernie, who'll almost certainly face its full wrath in due course.

TBH, having an anti-endorsement from hillary is probably a boon over all. It made tulsi double her support when it happened (then it tapered off again lmfao)

Cross that bridge when the primary is over tbh.