Caller Disgusted by Dilbert Creator Scott Adams

in dtube •  7 years ago 

The Eggman has been a regular caller to my program for years and he found the interview with Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, to be disgusting. Steemit seemed quite split on the interview...what are your thoughts?

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You interview with Scott Adams actually made me realize how knowledgeable you are. When the two of you debated pretty much any topic, he came out with some flawed argument and you swung back hard with real facts and good counterpoints. I have to say as much as I love Dilbert, Scott Adams really is a rich asshole.

I like some rich ass holes, but I don't call them that to their faces because they wont buy my eggs man!

I had to pop over to rationalwiki to recall all the reasons I find Adams to be a tool. His sock puppet praise of himself online was what I recall the most, but there are just so many gems amongst his years of blogging that make him so easy to dislike.

I actually don't recall the details of the sock puppet stuff, will look into that.

Rationalwiki must be the most horrible "wiki" on the net. But yeah, Adams reasoning is terribly flawed.

Scott Adams is fricking BARMY. I’m on board with the guy on the line - he’s essentially got to the top of the tree and had now is going in for a nice hobby of a) telling people how much better he is than them, and b) how much he can essentially disrupt any efforts to generally make society better while solidifying the positions for those precisely like himself.

An awful human being.

Which is weird because I thought the cartoon was ok.

same, I still do love the cartoon (and the tv show!), but damn in real life he's not nearly as much fun.

Yeah. And that’s the kicker. It’s awful when you find someone cam create something genuinely impactful and then are a horrible person behind it.

You look wise man especially with Scott Adams great interview it helps so much thank you great post

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Something is now more clear than every for me. A lot of the left doesn't care about the poor as much as they hate the rich. Envy is a very ugly emotion that I see way too much with my friends on the left.

I agree, there are plenty of people on the left, or just in general (at least from my experience) that colloquially refer to people in the upper middle class as "rich" and it annoys be beyond all reason. We, as people, should better define what "rich" is.

You are well off if you can pay for a nice house, a couple cars, hold a decent job, and some investments, but that isn't rich. We should only refer to people that have so many resources, and so much passive income, that it would be impossible to qualify how much effort would be needed to properly "work" for it all as rich.

I also believe we need to lose this whole idea of a quantity of money (i.e millionaires and billionaires) because it isn't really the amount of money we should focus on, but the percentage of total resources. In the future, a billionaire could be as common as a hundredaire today. Money, in the traditional sense, can be inflated, deflated, and otherwise manipulated, and is an arbitrary number. What we really aspire to, when we think of being a millionaire isn't necessarily the money (if you are smart anyways) but the resources you would have access to.

Either way, it was cool seeing you in the comments here :) !

Linge naar inge maar. Thala ni eku pota ille pille noku thaka

Is Eggman on steemit yet? We need his eggs.

Coo coo kachoo

Nice post upvote me also upvote u leave the comment @ksrinu445

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Nothing like getting rich off America's "Murder The Employee" culture.

Doing what USA does best, make fun of their self harm in a self denigrating way..... anyway....

Despite what people think, anyone can be misled, I see that more and more, and more than I thought possible. I see things other folks miss often, and that does bother me a bit.

Nice job that David does here in moderating what looked to be a possibly rash assumption about someone since they made a lot of money.

The Dilbert guy is a tool of this newest version of fascism that is the modern GOP. His stating that he is to the left of Bernie is a lie and a disarming technique. Recognize his type for what they are.

I can understand why the Eggman did not like Mr Adams, I found a lot of what he said to be opposite to my thinking. But, i realize that different point of views must be presented so that we can find a middle ground in which to co exist. You not having someone on your show just because you have different views would be falling into the Fox,MSNBC and other networks programming of one sided news. continue to keep dong what you are doing, well as long as they don't throttle your show.

Good point!

quite interesting