RE: What You Need To Know About the Venezuela Coup #3

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What You Need To Know About the Venezuela Coup #3

in dtube •  6 years ago 

There is no coup in Venezuela, Maduro is a socialist totalitarian tyrant, and the legitimate president Guaido is trying to restore democracy and freedom that is currently non-existent. Luckily some allies such as Colombia, Brazil and The United States are willing to help.

Let's hope that the current totalitarian narco regime is neutralized soon enough so that Venezuela can once again be a free and prosperous country.

It is very sad to see countries being destroyed by socialism, but it seems socialism is thankfully coming to an end in Venezuela.

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that's a very narrow and misinformed view of the situation. Yes, socialism sucks, but u.s. sanctions, and propping up this puppet are not helping

misinformed? For sure... ^^

but u.s. sanctions

Those sanctions are against corrupted government officials.

A puppet? In today's world you will have allies either way, maybe you prefer the "puppet"/ally of Cuba, Russia, Iran, etc?

no, I don't prefer Maduro or Guaido. The whole thing is being engineered by the west and definitely not helped by socialism. At the end of the day, it's none of the u.s. governments business and the Venezuelan people will suffer.

The whole thing is being engineered by the west

Political powers are always engineering things, the current Venezuelan government is also a result of engineering from countries like Cuba and Russia, so this is nothing new.

the Venezuelan people will suffer

The Venezuelan people have been suffering for years thanks to socialism, just like the previous point this is nothing new. With the help of some international allies socialism can be removed and with a free economy the suffering should be reduced.

The west is usually on the right side of things (Panama intervention was positive, the war in Korea proved which side was better), which is something that cannot be said about countries like Cuba, Russia or Iran.