Bob Stanley Show Date: 01-02-19 Show Hour: 2
Host Ernest Hancock interviews guest Bob Stanley
Bob Stanley (Founder & Chief Evangelist of the FreeNet Movement; Freos) updates on FREOS; QAnon, Military Tribunals, Deep State Arrests, 2019 Predictions...
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show:
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BOB STANLEY = Founder and Chief Evangelist - FreeNet Movement and (now Freos)
(Ernest met up with Bob at Anarchapulco 2018 and the Red Pill Expo)
Bob Stanley red pilled and woke in 1994 while working in the data mining world. He realized the potential of this technology and the newly born worldwide web to destroy privacy and make the Internet a tool of the Thought Police. In 1998 he founded Global Network Privacy to give individuals ownership and control of their private data. GNP went down in 2001 with the dotcom crash and we lost the first round of the Internet Privacy Wars. Bob went back to selling software for years until the stars aligned to found the FreeNet Movement to replace the current #ThoughtPoliceNet with a freer crypto currency based ecosystem. #FreeNet is the key to mass adoption of crypto currencies by global Truth Seekers and freedom lovers.
About Freon Coin/Freos and the #Freenet Movement
The Internet was designed to be a place for free, open communication and commerce for everyone. Unfortunately, today's Internet continues to stray further and further from that ideal.
Welcome to the Home of the Freon Coin and the Internet Freedom Movement. Our goal is to give the Internet back to the people by providing access to the Internet safely.
Stay tuned for more about the Freon Coin and the Internet Freedom Movement. Please sign-up for our mailing list below if you would like to find out more.
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