One Yeti's Perspective #70: Drawing The Line!

in dtube •  7 years ago  (edited)


Everyday we draw the line on something. Not the same as pushing a limit, but more like our level of acceptance.

You might see someone that has a tattoo but thinks tattoo sleeves aren't good. You might see someone with a lot of earrings, but hates the idea of gauging ears. This would also carry over to the modern church, and the many divisions.

As we all draw lines on things that we are ok with, are we dividing each other? Be well!

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You hit the nail on the head @freedompoint

  • We began a great experiment 20 some years ago with our Virtual Perfect Church. Promoting UNITY and TRUTH. Is that possible?
    • We are called to UNITY, but our beliefs (what we believe is TRUTH) are often exclusionary. They are not always based on TRUTH but personal interpretations.
    • Here's where I draw the line.
      Will I see you in heaven?
    • In other words, Is something someone has done going to exclude them from heaven.
      • Ex. I personally don't believe a tattoo will prevent someone from being in heaven, so I don't have a problem with tattoos.
      • Ex. I personally believe Satan worship probably will prevent someone from being in heaven. Yes, its still possible, but they would have to find the Lord and repent. So, I have a problem with Satan worshipers.

God Bless

key.gif The KEY to Life!

Thank you!

Yes i agree with you.
People themselve have been divided themselve.if we stop critcizing that a slave has made a tattoo.
So believe in life will be very easy.

I don't like being boxed in, so line drawing is a touchy thing. If you draw that line, then you are cutting off a chance to grow, to experience something new, to increase your understanding of other folks beliefs.

That is for sure!

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

You might see someone with alot of earrings, but hates the idea of gauging ears.
It should be a lot of instead of alot of.

Haha thank you!

That is a lot of why I have stepped away from religion,so to speak. Because of the line drawing and putting ourselves in boxes. It seems there are too many judges and not enough friends to help when you are down.

There is line drawing even outside of religion. It is a basic seperation between humans for some reason. It is ok to drink from a well, but not a stream type of seperations.

Yes, I do agree, That is where most of the problems are happening in the U.S. right now. I used the religion because you used the example of the Holy Spirit. It does seem that most of the time it is religion, Tattoos are wrong, I was raised even shorts were not too worn and a woman was not to wear pants. I think if we would think outside the box life would be easier.

Great video. Very thought-provoking. I think the word of God needs to be our line. Or instruction. I know there are 1 million interpretations. But I think all the answers are there for us to find. The Holy Spirit will help guide and direct us through God’s word.

Right! Within the word we also find where we draw the line between things. Like that other post about pork. We see what we want and then tey to legitimize it with scripture. Outside of scripture there are many lines being drawn on even simple things....maybe its ok to color your hair orange but never purple haha.

Good food for thought this morning. I believe the Bible is our true map or guide for drawing the line on what is true and right. Especially when making major decisions or statements I pray for God's wisdom to either open or close the door on my decision. I can't tell you how much peace I receive as I move daily in my life. Tying my inner moral compass to Gods word on a daily basis centers me. Well done.

Nice! I don't think it is even necessarily about large issues that need the Holy Spirit to work through. Maybe just little things like drinking almond milk but not ever drinking cashew milk haha

You are too funny! Just wait until I post my cashew milk recipe! You'll change your mind! Have a great day!

Haha I love cashew milk! The point of the video was more about what we see as acceptable.

I know, lol It was a great post! I appreciate the thought provoking content! It's good to think about. Thank you

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