ON MY TRIP TO Memphis, Tennessee // I found hundreds of songs from projects I lost. It's on and POPPING // GEECHI DAN

in dtube •  7 years ago 

I was reviewing some beats that was recently sent to me on my trip to Memphis, Tennessee and I stumbled upon a goldmine. I'm very excited to be completing what I started. These tracks are from several different projects I began working on and I couldn't have found them at a better time. I already wrapping two projects currently and this is just the icing on the cake. To add to my list, this is well past 1000+ songs now that I have recorded in the span of 8 years. As always I promised to bring it to my people on Steemit first. From there I'll be reaching out to my Dogecoin and Musicoin communities. I'm excited. Check out the my earlier post from one of the tracks I posted. Stay tuned!!!!!

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What up fellow georgia native! I also recently discovered steem and am pumped to get my electronic material up on here. Following you now so I can jump on the next beat competition. Let’s collaborate my man! I’ve also got some peeps at a3c we should get into steem world!!

Complete what I started, my friend, I will support you♥

Damn you have over 1000 songs? I just found your profile now so I'm not familiar yet. You bout to get on viper's level!

Also I know you didn't bring it up on this thread, but I just found out about TheCut on Discord. Can you add me to it? my username on there is "snrm" just like me Steem name.

Sure man. Actually if you clock on my original post about "The Cut" ...there is an invite link that I have on there that never expires. Just click on that link and you should be good to go.

Yup I got in no problem as you saw. I'll do my best to grow the community there. I'll have to start making Hip-Hop posts now on my thoughts on new albums and stuff.

Geechi is not playing gaaadamn! 1000songs?! 🔥🔥

LOL. Can't be saying I'm the best rapper on Steem and be playing with em. ;)

Good post
Following you

Yes yes!!!!! This is awesome news!!! It just makes me think of my broken hard drives full of music tho!!!! before the days of solid state drives! haha!!!

Yeah man...When I get back home...you and I have to seriously talk about making a nice little EP man. For real. I know we've been talking about it for a while but 2018 is the year of doing.

4real!!!!!!!! When you back?? I get back to London and my lab mid january.

Same bro! Give them new life while getting compensated for it! #SteemLife