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asif and tonny khan welcome to the mute list.


images (28).jpg


These engines look powerful.

They certainly are!!

Right.It's realy powerfull engine.



The motor sound must be a trend in Dtube. Upvoted and resteemed.

History is being made on Dtube with this amazing beast getting ready to roar. Resteemed.

truly great this is the epic sound i can hear it still very loud and clear !!
Upvoted and Resteemed :)

upvoted and resteemed. I hope the engine runs smooth like a Jet.

i have heard a lambo so loud but this is so much powerful that i think many will get shocked to listen it Resteemed

Upvoted and resteemed , hope engine workes properly 😊😊

Resteemed and upvoted. The engine sounds great for being from 1985.

The engines are roaring and ready to run with the bitcoin train.Resteemed

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Sounds great , very powerful car @greenman
thank you much for sharing .... resteemed

Upvoted and resteemed. Let the Engine roar high like BTC price.

upvoted and resteemed. Good luck on the journey.

Resteemed and upvoted. God bless you and keep you away from the corrupt bankers.

Engine Sound was so crisp and powerful never seen something like this in my life before resteemed

video is too small only 14 second but this sound of engine haha .
Hope you will post something longer and with explanation like why you changed engine or why this and how to install it ;) also change your title its just img thing

Yes I did not expect this to post directly to steemit. It was to create link for next blog. That will have more information on conversation.


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Yes....on DTube......thank you...sounds like a real engine. .Thanks you....//////

That's great @greenman, it must takes lots of time and effort to make that conversion sucessful. upvoted and followed

it is interesting

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

when will it be ready for adventure? @greenman

Getting real close I would say Tuesday or Wednesday next week.

Good luck then, we'll wait for updates ;)


I'm sure the engine sounds like heaven to you! She sounds like a happy powerful engine to me.. ready to take you on amazing journeys. . hope u make it burning man!

Thank you for posting @greenman.

Yes....on DTube......thank you...sounds like a real engine.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

This engine looks really nice, and quite big :)
How many HP?
I watched the video, and i just cant believe! I am sure that was a huge work! Congratulation, nice work!

175 horsepower from 75-85

Great horse power bro.......that engine roar will be awesome may be?

hey dude u r right..I agree with you

Nice job. Good luck in your journey.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Wow look at that absolute beauty
It sounds amazing just listening to it chug away
Seems like it is getting a beefy upgrade
Great Video @greenman

It seems that the D-tube is no worse than Yutuba. The video looks great. And the car looks powerful.

OMG. My loudspeaker exploded. Great engine sound. 😊

So pretty.

Wow ......

Great Job

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Beautiful Engine, Its very powerful ....
Nice post

It's nice to see you use D-tube for the very first time and what a great conversion i really like the sound of the engine. thanks for sharing

What about that ?


Vroom vroom. Yeah... I really have no idea what I am looking at except for it being a motor xD

Lets make the engine great again. Take it to the moon Mr.President.

The Volkswagen Transporter marketed in North America as the Volkswagen Eurovan, is a van produced by the German manufacturer Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles between 1990 and 2003, succeeding the Volkswagen Type 2 and superseded by the Volkswagen Transporter.

ahh ... sing it like a bird @greenman :)

hmmm really . you are right grandmotheer

Thanks For Your Nice Information

Sounds good your pampered!! @greenman

OMG..the engine sound is amazing.

@greenman OMG- Sounds great. Let the Engine roar high like BTC price!!!

The sound is very good ... I look forward to seeing it in action :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

With the recent motor change; the car should be able to make some good miles. How many Miles/KM does the car have on the tachometer? will IT make it till 500.000?

266,000 kilometers

Almost 7 times around the World. Must have some great storys to share

So fresh, soo great. Looking really dope my friend.

What a sexy engine.

that much powerful sound i wonder this must be of 350 Horse power isn't it !! resteemed

First start of the Engine and its already vroooommmming :)

Resteemd dear @greenman
Great post about engine

That engine Roar was Great,time to take it on the Road :D #Beast

Well done & good day to you @greenman, it's unbelievable but after the conversation the sound of the engine becomes mind blowing.

wow but i am sure this conversion won't happens over night, it really requires lot's of knowledge and abilities and material after the availability of these things only the conversion is possible, many congrats to do this successfully.

great ....evolution man........

Very Good Work SIR

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Resteemd dear @greenman//////
great post about Engine./////////

I am glad I could contribute to DTube by creating the polish translation. Have my polubienie, buddy!
upvoted and resteemes

LuL My favorite band playing right now 🎶😛

Another nice post.. thanks!!!!

The engine sounds great for being from 1985...

This is lovely @greenman.

Nice engine sound. good luck on the new start

Great topic @greenman
Thanks for sharing

I hope to see your car drived as new. resteemed and wish u good luck.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

It's look high powerfull engine. thanks for share greenman.
I have very interest mekanikal engine system. I watched your upload video dtube.

waw what a beast!

Looking powerfull engine


Excellent post thanks for share .sir

Thanks for information.It's really powerfull engine.

i have heard a lambo so loud but this is so much powerful that i think many will get shocked to listen it Resteemed..

Thats what i call a engine :)

We learn form womb totomb,,,,,,,,,,,

it reminded me anime Initial D


I Watch your video on DTube and I found other youtube videos about this kind of engine sound but truly this engine sounds great. There is no doubt that it's a very powerful engine and it's sound so clear and powerful that you can rule it on the streets. Best of luck Mr Paul Collin............

so nice video resteemed!!

my headphone was on fire when i played video hahaha pretty loud one Resteemed & upvoted !!

Resteemd dear @greenman
Great post about engine.................,

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

So great to to see your post after a long time,and what a great post you have made the engine is just roaring just waiting to go on the road's great that is.


really it looks like a real engine

lambo is very powerfull engine.. its just awsome dude.Upvoted and resteemed


this sound and good or bad?
I don't know anything about mechanics
dtube and interesting

wonderfull post thanks for sharing..

the motor sound must be a trend in Dtube. Upvoted and resteemed.

Yes....on DTube......thank you...sounds like a real engine. .Thanks you..

Wow that 2.5 L 2500cc Subaru engine !!!

Upvoted and resteemed.just wow #greenman.All the best.

that much powerful sound i wonder this must be of 350 Horse power isn't it !! resteemed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!