Artificial Spaces

in dtube •  8 years ago  (edited)

Finally the upload worked!
This is an old fly-through animation I did in 2007. It's a virtual flight through some of the 3D-geometries I used for my architectural and geometrical paintings.

You will recognize these paintings in the video:
Event -->
Nucleus -->
Spehere II -->
Metropolis -->
Artificial Space -->

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That is very cool.

How long did it take to produce that?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I worked on it over a period of a few months but I've modeled some of the geometries years earlier. I planed actually to continue with it but I lost interest in 3D animations.

Even without animation, this image is very cool :)

Thanks! :-)

Nice image! Which software did you use? which render engine? I am a 3D artis too. And I use 3D Max and VRay.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I used 3ds max. As far as I remember the render engine was mostly FinalRender - didn't know VRay back then.

You should taker a look at VRay. It is pretty easy and is so realistic. Youtube is full of tutorials about it.
Cheers ;)

I've been using VRay many years. It was a great improvement after FinalRender.

gets really cool at 4 minutes

and 6 minutes

I see you got it to work. Awesome!!

Yeah! :-)