in dtube •  7 years ago 

Hey Steemiacs!
Thanks for joining me on another video! Today I'm sharing with you my top 5 lunch sandwiches ideas! We got some really good combo's going on, and the best thing? most of them consist of hummus in one way or another XD

You can make these sandwiches for school, work, road, eating in bed, anything you want really. You can take these with you for every day of the week to eat healthier and save money! They are super easy to make, healthy, and best of all vegan!

While eating a vegan diet you ensure that you aren't getting any puss, antibiotics, hormones and other harmful ingredients that can be found in animal products. You are choosing a more sustainable way of living and you ensure no animals were harmed on the way to your plate, which is my personal favorite :)

These are just a fraction of the vegan options available so feel free to change these to your liking and let me know which one is your favorite!
Hope you enjoy this video and if you did, consider upvoting and subscribing to my channel :)

Happy steeming!

Scrambled tofu recipe:

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Now I`m hungry :)) Nice video!

Really nice, I want more of that! Check out my vegan noodles recipe ^^