When Pipe Dreams Come Alive

in dtube •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Which Path Leads To Van Life?

It was roughly two years ago that my wife and I started entertaining the idea of selling pretty much everything we have to live out of a van. I don't know. Maybe it's just a millennial idea and we're just caught up in the hype. But then again the idea of living a minimal lifestyle just speaks to who we really are at the core. 

We don't buy much stuff. In fact I cringe at the thought of all this mad shopping we see happening. Why? Because all this stuff can and will enslave you and you will be the next statistic to hop on the consumerism train. More than anything I just don't see the need to go buying the newest trinkets every 6 months nor do I have the desire to. 

This is just who I am at the core. To be honest my wife first mentioned the van life to me and I was hesitant to explore the idea at first. I was only hesitant because we had been looking for a new city to live in so my mind wasn't on some other living arrangement. But then I got woke to the idea after she kept presenting it to me. This was around the same time we got so excited about potentially moving to Las Vegas but then life decided to take a massive detour for the time being. 

Now don't get me wrong we still entertain the idea of packing up and heading out to Las Vegas but we have agreed on pushing to make the van life happen more than anything. It just seems that every time we save money here comes life to snatch it out of our hands for some unexpected reason. Well either that or our work situations have been in major flux in the last year and half. In general my wife and I both have solid money management skills which has not at all been the problem. 

The problem for us has been figuring out a way to acquire the money we need in order to get the van. 

Here Are Our Options, Listed By Number, For Being Financially Free In Order To Live Out Of A Van:

  1. We both get jobs (Make money at a much faster rate and in a shorter time period)
  2. One of us gets a job (Make money at a much slower rate in a longer time period)
  3. We both run businesses (Make tons of money but takes time to get rolling)
  4. One of us runs a business while the other gets a job (Still good money)
  5. Wait for crypto investments to go BOOM! (This may never happen)
  6. One of us gets a job while the other creates content for Steemit/Dtube (A legit possibility)
  7. Both of us create content for Steemit/Dtube (Would be dope if I convinced my wife)
  8. Cash out some or all of my crypto investments and purchase the van now (Can do but may not be the wisest choice considering the infancy of cryptos)

  9. Now there's probably more options than those I just listed. My point is that we have considered these options in particular and there may be some variation of them that I have not listed. Now before I get into which option or options is the most suitable for us I want to list some other factors at play. Then from there we will match up the best route for us to take towards van life according to these factors. 

    Key Factors In Determining Which Option(s) We Choose

    • I am still not 100% back to full health but very close (Working 40+ hours as a wage slave will most likely reverse the progress I'm making with my health and I'd much rather build my own thing)
    • My wife and I decided that at least one of us will be available to take care of our daughter (We don't want our daughter growing up with neither of us around due to work)
    • I am finally using my gifts and talents unlike any other point in my life ( I feel nearly unstoppable now)
    • My wife is not fond of running a business and would much rather get a job that lines up with her interests (My wife is capable of running her own business but right now she has no desire to)
    • We are living with my parents (Due to my shoulder surgery last April, business failure, burnout, me working part time in the midst of all this, and my daughter being born we made a last minute decision to live with my parents in order to save money.)

    Can you guess which option(s) (by number) we decided would be the best according to the factors I just listed?

    I want to make this sort of a fun little game. I mean this is real life but hey let's have some fun with it. Seriously though. Think about those factors and the options I listed and tell me what number you think seems to be the best path to take and why. If you have already watched the video then you know the answer but if not then take a guess.  

    We really hope this all works out so that we can accomplish our goal of living the van life. We are working hard and there seems to be a dim light at the end of the tunnel. For us it's now about embracing our path and having the patience and resolve to see it through. God willing. 

    If you could accomplish one goal what would it be?

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Hey @humanearl this is a perfect blog written by you.

Cash out some or all of my crypto investments and purchase the van now (Can do but may not be the wisest choice considering the infancy of cryptos)

Yes this can never be a good idea and just bank upon in some good altcoins as much as you can, I think 2018 is the year for altcoins.

Thank you.

Trust me I kicked myself some time ago. I missed out on hundreds of thousands due to selling too early I won't let that happen again.


Both of us create content for Steemit/Dtube (Would be dope if I convinced my wife)

when both of you create content, then you can get much more and considering the higher SBD and STEEM price it would really be a wise decision and I must encourage both of you to resort to blogging in steemit and I can see your articles are earning above 50, which is nice amount and I am happy to see your success here and this is because you are the nicest person who always extend reciprocity.

Thank you...steem on and stay blissful....

It helps even more when steem and sbd are moving higher. I am making some progress but still a long ways to goI'm looking to be financially free from Steemit in 6-12 months. Thanks for your input.

Wait for crypto investments to go BOOM! (This may never happen)

This everyone must have had felt at least once before putting their money in cryptos but tcryptos have always given pleasant surprise, I am steemit when steem was hardly 0.35 usd and just see the price now and my forecast by 2020 is 100 usd per steem and it will certainly happen, I am not saying this just seeing the hype now, I am saying this backed by strong fundamental and technical analysis.

It has bee a surprise. Hopefully it will keep surprising. I bought the bulk of my Steem when it was around 0.28 usd. I honestly see steem at 100 by end of 2019 or slightly sooner.

Firstly, I want to say that am so happy to hear your health is almost back to 100%,and I believe your present status gives you more time to rest, so that you can recover much faster.
For me, I don't have any issues with a spouse that is a 'work at home'. As long as we are both happy, that's what matters to me. It all depends on what we love doing. If I love to work against steeming, then I'll get a job, but if I love steeming then I'll steem. So I'll advice you go with option 6, so everyone will be happy.

@lucyc nice to see you here! Ok I see where you're coming from. So right now we are pretty much doing #6. So far this has made the most sense for use given those factors. Thanks alot for your input.

You always welcome

This is how I am managing! My target is to go back to my home village and spend my time there. So, I got a road map! I am doing the job and my wife looks my son and she will be an active STEEMIAN!
I will do my best when I get a free time! In 2020 I will be at home village and will make a good income source at that moment!
Therefore, better one do a job and partial STEEMIAN and one become an active STEEMIAN!
It will deduct risk and it will make a decent income! This is how I believe it till 2020!


That's so cool @theguruasia. Steemit is helping so many people to do well. I say go for it. You can do it. Nothing is impossible. If you need help on your journey let me know.

I'll choose 6 @ humanearl, there's nothing wrong about staying with your parents because I too and my husband still staying with our parents together with our kids, because what matters most specially with your situation right now is to be with them because they are your greatest strength who support you during tough times, since you said that your wife has no passion on business she might get a job to earn and save money and also you're not fully recovered yet, so you can do full time blogging on steemit and dtube while being together with your little angel and earning at the same time and when you have enough then thats the time you decide for your van. I'm always look forward to your blogs because it inspires me thank you for sharing @humanearl, Godbless you and your family

It feels good to give to others and inspire them so i really appreciate you being here. So yea we decided to go with #6 since it is the best option overall especially considering that I need to keep improving my health.

Indeed, feels good contributing my opinion, get well soon praying for your fast recovery and enjoy being with your cute little angel 😊

Wow, kudos to you! That is not an easy move but certainly a smart choice. When I take a look at my fixed costs every month it is astounding to know that even if I don't personally spend one dollar, I'm still out thousands! So tempting to just rid it all and be free from cable, electric bills, mortgage etc. live in a mobile home and travel the world!

It frees your mind in a big way. Here is one of my favorite youtubers. He has much wisdom and insight on mobile living. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAj7O3LCDbkIR54hAn6Zz7A

I highly recommend looking into it at least. Anything is possible for you.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Here in Philippines its normal to stay at parents house even after marriage yet to other countries not so,I think they have this idea that why getting married if you cannot sustain a living,correct me if im wrong.But there are different reason why others keep staying at parents house even they got married,just like the ones above..either way as long as the parents is fine with that then i think its okay.I think there is nothing wrong with it either,because it is a ph culture so i used to it.

@kimaben! Glad you are here. I really wonder why that is. I've spoken with many people from other countries and they say living with family like that is no problem. But here in the U.S. it can be a difficult issue. But many people my age who are young are having to move in with their parents due to so much student loan debt.

Thanks for sharing that about your culture with me. I learned something new.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Youre welcome,im glad to share some culture we pinoys have and so thus learn from other cultures too.But sometimes,I feel not liking that culture because I used to hear from others that they are having a hard time communicating and understanding their in laws esp during the 1st and 2nd yr of staying.But im not talking to general there are just some.For practicallity it is good to stay at parents house first until you feel you can stand independently.And here in Ph even if you reached the age of 18 you can still stay at your parents house and sometimes your parents will not allow you to move house at that age,we pinoys have that family oriented culture.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think you will find your way, but because you asked...i would consider number 7 + searching for new projects you can run with your talents, projects that dont steel your living energy, but is developing your gifts.

Also like you know we living in times of crypto hype. I think its good to stay interested it this theme and search for opportunities.

Ahh I see. I talked to my wife about #7 and she wants to focus on something else right now. But 6 actually makes the most sense for us at the moment. And you have good advice. I would love to be a part of another great project but just haven't came across the opportunity to do it yet. For now my focus is creating content for Steemit/Dtube and building my blog community up.

Then maybe some doors will open up for me to take my gift further. Thanks for the input friend.

Steemit makes you free and you have time to devote it to your health and your daughter.
The answer can be very versatile, but I think there is something between 6 and 7 option. If you convince your wife, then both of you will have a lot of free time and will be able to develop here on Steemit. Yes it may not be the biggest money, but it's a good option.
But I would have chosen option 6 in this situation. Because my wife does not support such earnings, she prefers to have a good job, the main criterion of which is the possibility of growth and observance of emotional balance. (there are posts at work that can make you morally vulnerable).
Whatever option you choose, it will be true for you.

Ok cool. You provided great insight man. Right now we will go with #6 because it give us alot more freedom and flexibility.

well in my own candid opinion, considering the factors listed above i would say number 6 fits in perfectly. You said you are still trying to recuperate and you are presently staying with your parents, I think it would be wise if you stay at home while your wife gets a job. Creating contents on steemit like you always do wont impose any stresss on you physically and your at liberty to do it at your own disposal without having anyone watching over your shoulder.

with that , you can as well look after your daughter. Infact number 6 just works perfectly but if you have some reservations you can let me know so we can review the options...

You are spot on. 6 just makes the most sense right now. so we have decided to go with that option for now. Glad you took the time to read through and give some input.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great motivate post..Right now I am looking forward for a job with my comfort zone.And yes i do believe i can get a job but not sure it would be of my comfort zone or not.I want to make enough money untill my bank account indicates me to open my own business.

That would be super nice. What kind of business do you want to open?

I would have really loved option 7, because Imagined a situation where you have @humanearl and Mrs humanearl both here on steemit, and both of them sharing their priceless life lessons and encouragements, that would be tremendously wonderful. But the truth is that the situation is not an ideal one, in that your wife loves to have a job. So I'll go with option 6, so she can be happy at her job, and you happy practicing your passion in music, and also steeming.

You said it best. 6 is the overall better option considering those factors. It would be ideal for option 7 but yes my wife prefers a job. So 6 it is.

My greatest joy was hearing you recover more and also spend time with your daughter. Ooh, there is nothing like spending time with family, no matter how little. Some times I wish we don't need to work, so we can spend more time with family, but we know that's not ideal.
So with this mindset, I would say you should go with option 7 so that you can spend more time with your wife and daughter, and then create content on steemit, trading the SBD made for cash. With that even though the income may smaller, you can have more family time.

The harder thing sometimes is choosing between what it truly more valuable. Money or health. Money or family. So we have decided to go with option 6 since we value family and also good health.

Hmm, I'll try guessing. So what about both of you posting on steemit/dtube? Or your wife gets a job (if that what she wants) and you post on steemit/dtube? By being here on steemit you will be able to spend time with your daughter and make money at the same time. Well, hopefully your choices will make you happy!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I agree with you @trendo, cause family time is better than the making money everytime, however we need then a money for our daily life, to buy foods, and things that is important. And helping for the extented family(for example charity). You can be both posting here using dtube so that family bonding come. But ofcourse you cannot force your wife , if what decision should she want. The only important thing is the good communication between the two of you.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

And @humanearl, theirs nothing wrong if you both living with your parents, they are enjoying because they are with their grandchild hehehe
Be blessed to the people around us , because they are the one who catched us when we are falling

@dranren My parent do enjoy time with my daughter so that's good for sure. We are only with my parents for a temporary time.

Thats sounds blessed bro @humanearl, I really miss my grandparents😥😢 may I have a Request bro , can you take a photo of your whole family with your parents 😀 then post it here . Family brings Happiness , LOVE hugs a family who stays together .

@trendo I too think I should be here on Steemit while my wife works at here job. It just makes the most sense right now.

@humanearl - Sir this is a nice dream... For me it's impossible... But to you it's possible because it's your wife's dream too... I don't know which option will work well Sir... But don't stop blogging Sir... Your blog & your advices are changing & delighting our lives Sir...


We will go with #6 for now because that gives us much more flexibilty and overall it just makes the most sense for us. Glad to see you here @steemwija and thanks alot for your comments.

From what you've said, it seems your wife is not really into steeming, and she is okay with a job. I would suggest she keeps her job, then maybe when she is back, she can post on Steemit, while you focus on full time steeming. So I'll say a combination of 6 and 7 would be ideal.

Yep #6 is pretty much what we are doing right now. I love it. Maybe my wife may be open to #7 in the future but not sure. But i really think I could be financially free from Steemit in 6-12 months.

I don't know why, but I get too emotional reading this post. I can be like that sometimes.

You talking about your health, your wife, family, business and everything - the way you say it and the way you lay the words just make it emotional for me.

I pray for God's blessing and favour in everything you're doing.

I'm so emotional right now.

Happy Steeming

It's all good I understand. Sometimes things just move you and make you emotional. I appreciate your care.

You are setting yourself clear goals - that's half the battle won.

If you choose steemit and put all your passion and heart into it, I suspect it'll take you less than two years. You're in a good space.

Go for it!

I really hope it can happen for me here on Steemit. I am indeed putting everything I have into it. I really believe that I will be financially free from this soon like you said.

Hmm, okay, after reading all you have said, I can see that you are comfortable with the way things are, there are somuch benefits, so I would say you should go with option 6. Your wife should keep working, while you grow quality content here on steemit. With that, you can I'll remain at home to spend more time with your daughter.

You got it right. So yea we basically are going with #6 because like you said there are more benefits overall with that option. It's been hard though but It's really worth it and things are starting to smooth out for now.

I wanted to go with option 7, but I thought of the time it would take for your wife to get established on steemit, and I reasoned that it would be best she started with adding steemit to her job. That means she should keep her job, and then steem part time. So I will go with option 6 now, and then 7 later in the future.

6 is the better choice as of now. So thanks brother for your input. 7 would be ideal but 6 is such a good choice.

I think 8 is a very bad option. You guys can choose to go with any apart from 8. Soon you will get the van.

Yea duyd me and my wife have went back and forth on this. She thinks I should cash some out and I say it's waaay too early. I'd rather put in work on steemit to help with the short term stuff and not even have to touch my long term investments.

My guess would be what I would do.. which is get a loan and make the payments blogging.. I'll go watch the video now

I have thought of that but soon realized that I'm already 70k in student loan debt. I'm not worried about it but I don't want to touch any loans right now. Thanks for the input though.

No buddy wait for a little longer buddy for your injury to heal and get completely ok and and yes as for your child you did take a right decision to hang around with your child !She will definitely have good company :)

Be well brother and wait for the right opportunity ,Hope it comes soon to your life ,till then hang on !

Thanks @rehan12 I really need to be focusing on keeping my health in good shape. That is why we will go with #6.

Would suggest option 6, atleast there will be 2 source of income into the house, and your daughter will still be able to get de attention every young person seeks.

Yea we decided 6 would be the best as of now.

dtube rocks

It does.

I vote #1, with both doing Steemit on the side!

#1 would make us the most money the fastest however I believe in the long term I can build here on Steemit and make waay more money long term. So to have one foot in the long term door and one foot in the short term door we have decide to pursue # 6 for right now. Thank you for giving some thought on it.

Option 6 looks like it for me.

You got it. That's what we have decided on for now.

the mantra many people nowadays is stay simple and be humble

Humility is really key and everyone can use it. Thanks for reminding me.

living with a free and adventurous spirit gives you happiness

It feels so free to be out on the open road and living financially free at the same time. We are pushing to get there.

An interesting post, I hope your day is always fun

One goal.
Well, a goal to accomplish all goals.

really i impressed to see it....i hope everybody like your post...thanx for shear it

what a thinking post... it impressed me... i am waiting for your next this type post....

really good