Streamed live 18th March 2019
- Wellington, New Zealand mosque attack
- In December 2016 Benjamin Netanyahu told New Zealand minister for foreign affairs, Murray McCully that support for a UN resolution condemning Israeli settlement building in the occupied territories would be viewed as a "declaration of war", he went on to say "If you continue to promote this resolution from our point of view it will be a declaration of war, it will rupture relations between Israel and New Zealand and there will be consequences". Murray McCully refused to back down and said "This resolution conforms to our policy and we will move it forward".
- In middle of 2018 the Israeli press reported that New Zealand has yet again supported a one sided bias UN general assembly that censored Israel whilst ignoring the role of the terrorist organisation Hammas.
- In November 2018 New Zealand voted against Israel on 8 out of 9 resolutions before the UN security council. Israel reported, New Zealand's UN voting record on Israel has been highly problematic in recent years, over the course of his term, former Foreign minister, Murray McCully consistently refused to condemn Palestinian terrorism, this attitude culminated in his co-sponsership on behalf of New Zealand of UN security council resolution 2334 which one sidedly condemned Israel strongest terms over settlements, whilst making no demand on the Palestinians. In some ways New Zealands record of UN voting on Israel has become worse under the now Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, She has risen rapidly to the role of PM
- Northern Europe's immigration to destroy culture and economy
- Geopolitical scenario to the run up to the events in Wellington are similar to the events in Fulkashima and the e-coli outbreak in Germany which had a direct impact on Germany deciding to wind down their nuclear industry
- Former German foreign minister, Andreas Von Bulow shared his insights on 9/11
- France is being systematically destroyed culturally and financially. Reports from Paris of the horrific injuries, people loosing hands, someone loosing half a foot and more people loosing eyes
- Despite French media claiming the number of protesters are falling, it appears the opposite, Gilet Jaune is spreading across France
- Exit from EU approaching. Incompetence of politicians to deliver the wishes of the public
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