RE: THE UNMASKING, Part 1: The Narcissist - The Series That Got Me Banned From YouTube

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THE UNMASKING, Part 1: The Narcissist - The Series That Got Me Banned From YouTube

in dtube •  7 years ago 

Glad to see all of the videos eventually coming here :)
Hope it reaches more people to expose the narc.

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The most important thing is to have the info online and easily accessible. He's literally making a living on scamming people with his fraudulent ebook, exploiting veganism to gain respect and trust, buying himself likes and subs to reinforce this trust, constantly telling people that they can trust him etc. And then completely abuse this false sense of trust.

He had so many people in the vegan community fooled that if anyone said anything that didn't resonate with the illusion he had created for himself, others would defend him. We saw this very clearly after Hannah made her video. Some are critiquing me for not just making part 5 to begin with, opposed to dragging it out. The reason I couldn't put out part 5 was because nobody would believe it, that's how much of a cult it had become.

My videos have also caused the narc to make some massive slip-ups which further proves that he lied all along while Hannah told the truth.

Regarding the critique of not just making part 5, most people are unaware of NPD or Cluster B personality disorders in general. The series was necessary to provide education and awareness. If you hadn’t- you would have ended up looking “crazy”, which is EXACTLY what the Narcissist wants. I find your work inspirational. I’m going to create a short exposure video myself …once I buy a computer, get editing software, and learn how to use it 😊.

Davinci Resolve is free and available on Windows, Mac and Linux. That's what I've been using for these videos :)

Great suggestion, thanks!

Im glad that you are speaking the truth to those who need it and bringing justice to hannah, yourself and those who he has affected with narcissist behaivour. The lack of accountability from himself, tori and those still fervently following his every word is disturbing as there are those who try to emulate his behaviour and method of making videos. He is every bit as despicable and manipulative as those exploiting tragedies for their selfish gains. He deserves no power to abuse and support to keep up his ego and story spinning. He is bleeding support and eventually will lose everything. I doubt he would develop any sense of morality, humility, compassion and accountability for his negative behaviour.
I am annoyed he is here on steemit to harass both you and hannah. He needs to grow up and act as an adult and not a petulant spoiled brat who throws tantrums when nothing goes his way and he doesnt get what he wants.