I could not believe my eyes when I read the name of the author -- The New York Times gave the 'interim president' Juan Gaido HIS OWN 1,100 WORD OP-ED! https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/30/opinion/juan-guaido-venezuela.html
Sickening stuff! You can't make this BS up:
"Mr. Maduro’s time is running out, but in order to manage his exit with the minimum of bloodshed, all of Venezuela must unite in pushing for a definitive end to his regime. For that, we need the support of pro-democratic governments, institutions and individuals the world over. It is imperative that we find effective solutions for the grave humanitarian crisis we are suffering, just as it is to go on building a path toward understanding and reconciliation. Our strength, and the salvation of all Venezuela, is in unity."