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She is right on about most things. My kids all like to build, earn, and help out other people. My oldest, @walky123 , now only accepts payments in crypto and candy.

Now that is a really smart kid... Crypto or Candy... love it. Kids are amazingly creative when we don't destroy them...

Love your work Jeff, would you be willing to do a new video about Steemit and Steem for your followers to see? Would be great if more of them could find out about Steemit! Thanks for all you do.

My children are unschooled as well, and I had midwifes for my births, including 2 homebirths.

Thanks for sharing this Jeff!
I may have to think about attending Anarchapulco one of these days!

She's beautifully intelligent and those things all on their own as well. Set standards for what I want to seek in my life mate. Prayers and Good vibes I find a woman identical that also accepts my Twin boys I have from previous. /hope