Heroic display of Merlin in the Newly released movies Title Kingsman 2 2017. What a dramatic display of sacrifice of life for a friendship...
In this new movies of Kingsman, the Kingsman base was compromised by the help of Charlie Hesketh and destroyed by the golden circle the organization head by Poppy a Prof. of some sort. several missiles were launch at the kingsman bases across UK which led to the died of all the members of the Kingsman, the only survives are Merlin and Galahad (junior). Which led to their activation of The Dooms day protocol. which trails took the two agents to the STATEMAN in Kentucky US. Which are the mirror image of the Kingsman. Only Kingsman are Taliors while the STATEMAN are whiskey manufactures... There they get to know that Galahad was alive, only he had lost is memories and now believe he is a lapidatries.
Thanks for following @jephline
Try and Watch the movies and comment of the scene...
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Correct update. Thanks
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omg I was such a crybaby at that scene. Merrrrrlinnnn 😢
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what a really touchy scene there @molovelly
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thanks for the update
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Thanks for stopping by
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Loved the movie. Waiting for part 3
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