Human Communication; The Hassles Of Starting Off A Conversation With A Known Stranger

in dtube •  6 years ago 

Hello there @josediccus here

How are you guys doing?

The apex of making conversation is difficult and sometimes stressful and that's why people prefer to use emojis to express. In this video I speak about conversing with a known stranger that's someone who you know but hardly know. There's often the fear of not knowing the right talk, the right kind of humour or even the banter that may not be offensive. The basics of this video basically highlights sarendipitieous conversation as more altruistic and positive than a forced conversation. In other words sometimes we end up being apart from people we try being close to because we try to augument a relationship whereas we need to to just allow it come naturally.

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So true! I find that sometime the energy is a little 'off' and it can feel really awkward, even after pushing through and making a solid effort. I guess for some people, maybe they want to stay a known stranger?