Hang Out With People You Disagree With

in dtube •  8 years ago  (edited)

What's wrong with constructive discourse?

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Hello there in internet world. I've been traveling, the last couple weeks I haven't had so much time to do Vlogs. I'm in New York right now and I'm gonna be traveling around a bit more. I kinda just wanted to talk about how the world is getting so homogenized. I really like hanging out with my friends and new people that I meet that have similar interests, of course, everyone likes that. But I want to hang out with people that I disagree with. And not in terms of, going on social media, Facebook and twitter and just arguing with people because that's not real disagreement and discourse that's just moronic arguing.

For example, someone goes on and says, 'I'm a Democrat and I believe in bla, bla, bla' and a Republican goes on and says, 'I'm a Republican and I believe in bla, bla, bla' and they just keep butting heads, which is most everything now! People just butt heads. Whatever happened to just disagreeing with each other and that's totally cool? And that's usually when you learn stuff. You know, you go through a little argument, you have a fight....you might come out the other end learning something useful. Maybe you're not going to change your mind totally but you might accept a point or two and say, 'Hey. Ya know. That guy...that girl. They had a point. Maybe I'm thinking about things, not entirely properly and I need to change my ways of thinking' OR maybe you just go, 'Hey look. Agree to disagree. Let's have a drink.'

Things are so homogenized... and things are getting really boring because they're so homogenized. You drive down a road, I like to travel, so you drive down, you drive through different states, different countries and it's like you're starting to see the same stores everywhere, the same corporations....it's really annoying. There's fewer choices and there's fewer choices of viewpoints, especially if you're just looking at social media as it exists right now. Steemit is pretty cool. Someone posts about carrots, 'I grow carrots and it's fun', someone posts their comedy videos or someone's posting about astronomy or someones posting about money and their thoughts on it. There's a variety to pick and choose from and that's great....but I just don't see the variety existing in (major) social media and that's pouring into the real world unfortunately because....

People don't really talk to one another so much anymore. They're stuck in their phones or they're just sitting there like, ahhh I'm afraid of people...social anxiety. And people feel comfortable online because they've got that wall there....ya know they're not gonna get punched by a bully. They'll just get a bunch of nasty words thrown at them. But people just gotta, ya know.....I don't want to say they've got to stop doing something because it's not for me to say and people don't stop doing things just because someone says that. The President comes out, 'We've gotta stop polluting so much. And...we're gonna make a change!'...Nothing changes. Nothing changes unless you want to change. David Icke says that, who I just saw in Toronto....I've been saying that for a long time, lots of other great speakers and thinkers say that type of stuff....not that I'm great, I'm just a guy.

But anywho, yeah...it's not my place to say that people should stop doing that. If people could just relax a little bit more. Not chill out entirely like smoke a joint or anything. Just...take 5 seconds. When you're on Facebook and you see some guy that you don't agree with....and they're your family, friends or a public figure...maybe instead of just jumping down their throat and saying, 'You're wrong! What I believe is right! You're stupid. I hate you!' and then you jump off of social media and then come back later and go, 'Ahhh!! You're stupid again!'...Instead of doing that just take a deep breathe for five seconds and say, 'Is it worth it to comment on this persons post? Or should I just walk away?'. If I really feel so emotionally triggered that I'm blowing up with anxiety. Is it worth me jumping into this online argument? Or should I just go walk away and have an apple or shoot a basketball or something like that.

Or...should I constructively criticize and say, 'Hey dude. I disagree with you. I disagree with your points. And this is how I feel. And...I hope you can see it from my perspective. I'm gonna try to see it from your perspective. Maybe you can explain it a little more and help me understand.' Something like that....

So thanks for joining. And have yourself a great day or evening or whatever you're doing.

Upvote, Follow & Resteem. All that good stuff. Thanks.


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Here is a suggestion: when you come across something that you don't agree with, walk away. Then, some time later, when you are feeling more curious, look into it. I call this letting the mental barrier unlock, and getting back to it when you are ready to really listen to the argument. I use the 'Jesus was not a Jew' argument as an example. My knee-jerk reaction was always 'that's stupid'. Then, one day, I decided to give the idea a listen, and I discovered that the argument wasn't at all about what I thought it was about, and that, from the genealogical perspective being used, there is an actual argument there. BUT, you have to put aside your initial knee-jerk reaction and listen to what is being said - and that, my friend, sometimes takes putting it aside for a while until you are ready to listen. If people put their differences aside until they felt ready to give the repulsive idea a real listen, we'd progress as a society. Unfortunately, potty-mouthed radio talk show hosts have trained everyone to shout down anything they don't want to hear. Too bad. There are a lot of interesting things people could learn if they would just look at ideas they automatically think are nuts. Of course, some of those ideas are nuts; we need to look at them, though, in order to know that for sure.

Wow... That was a, very good suggestion.
As a personal development junky, and as Ace Ventura would say... that was B-e-a-utiful.
Great representation of perspective.
Our initial perspective can be a huge misconception of what is really possible.

Great comments. Thank you. You hit me with the radio talk show hosts. I like to listen to talk radio when I drive and over and over....it's just an hour of bickering about the same thing ad nauseam with no clear compromise or growth. There are so many topics to cover in the world to delve into each day....and only one is chosen. Makes me nuts.

This post recieved a vote from @minnowpond. For more information click https://steemit.com/steemit/@minnowpond/boost-your-rewards-with-minnowpond

yeah, it's too much us and them... we like to be insulated and superior to the other group, meanwhile we are being duped and played against each other. i follow some people on steemit i don't necessarily agree with to understand different points of view, except one made a slur i didn't care for so i had to drop him / peace

Agreed. Thanks for the comments. Yeah that's a slippery slope. If it's a slur used in comedic satire or in an educational historical discussion it can work, depending on context...but a slur out of anger or bigotry....not good.

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How? I see no Follow button.

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