That time General O'Neill was as smart as Carter

in dtube •  6 years ago 

So before Stargate SG1, General O'Neill was less of a trigger happy military officier and was as witty as they come. Dean Anderssen that is, he was the original McGyver, a guy that was able to figure out how to come out of the tightest situations with very little at hand.

This clip he basically 'carterize' a poor woman that he is trapped with in a chemical factory. Explaining the chemical decompozition of bar of chocolates to get out of a chemical acid spill.

The woman just stare as he goes on explaining why it will work and well, this scene evokes many times Carter in Stargate terrorize his superior's mind with an avalanche of technicalities.

McGyver was my introduction to the comedic sense of humor of Dean Anderssen and how enjoyable is to watch his characters. One very funny clip.

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