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Well just leave ...Thats what I did kind of ... Got tired of the endless bills and crap wages . being a wage slave it eats up every minute of your life dealing with it sold my house moved on my boat and found a nice bay to drop anchor morgue rent taxes power bills ..none of it my crap wage is more than enough to live on and have money left over and time to smell the roses.. Its not just money they want for permission to live on land its also every waking minute of your life..

That's awesome! Congratulations on leaving, and thank you for sharing your story of doing so.

I didn't mean to say that it's impossible, or that there isn't value in leaving to the extent that each of us can. Just pointing out how it is nowhere near as simple as the people who generally say "if you don't like it, just leave" make it out to be.

Personally, I've never voted or registered to vote, I don't pay/file taxes, I have no legal address, no bills, barely more belongings than I can carry (I do have a pretty bad-ass book collection that lives with my family), and am currently in the phase of my life where I interact with corporations (including government) as little as possible, while still traveling, being online, etc. My plan is to completely disconnect in the near future, as I move onto the land and work on creating a village that is an example of the world I want to see unfold.

Thanks for dropping in and sharing!

Highly rEsteemed!

Screen Shot 2020-01-05 at 12.20.41 PM.png

Thanks for the resteem! Good to see you're still here doing your thing Frank!

Thank YOU Bruv, and Ditto!
