My little princess has already tried to stand by her self ^_^

in dtube •  7 years ago  (edited)

It was just a week ago that she started to crawl and she hasn't even managed to sit properly without support, yet she's already so eager to stand on her own. She falls every once in a while, but she never gives up.
She had a fever last weekend so that she had to stop exercising.
Fortunately she's getting well quite soon and today she's already active trying her new skill again.
This afternoon we were actually napping together on the daybed wenn suddenly I was awaken from pain and shock.
Apparently it was her already awake and tried to stand using the backrest as a support and then fell on my back.
My back was really painful to me, however she was only wailing briefly out of shock and then played again.
It seems as if it was nothing to her at all.
I was like...., 'what a hard skull she has...' :-D
By the way... I'm wondering what she's already been capable to do by next week, when she finally reach her 7 month age. ^_^

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Haha sehr sehr süß ! und so eine tolle Zeit in der die Kinder sich quasi jeden Tag weiterentwickeln.. Unfassbar wie schnell das dann alles geht. Ich wünsch euch ganz viel Spaß und viel Glück mit den ersten Schritten :)

Danke, Jan. Das stimmt... am Anfang machte ich mich Sorgen wenn sie umfällt, inzwischen dann nicht mehr, da sie nur kurz weint und danach wieder top fit ist. :-D
Der Vater sagte aber so: "Oh je oh je... Gehirnzellen werden leider nicht mehr erneuert. Wie viel Zellen werden jetzt dann zerstört?!"

Das Weinen nach dem Umfallen ist meistens nur schockbedingt; es ist eher selten, dass Kinder aufgrund von Schmerzen weinen, wenn sie umfallen; wenn sie wegen Schmerzen weinen, dann hält dieses Weinen für längere Zeit an und auch die Tonlage des Weinens ist eine ganz andere; also braucht ihr euch keine Sorgen machen, wenn die Kleine hinfällt, kurz weint und dann weitermacht.

Yeah, sie ist schon mal von dem Bettcouch auf den Boden gefallen, Kopf zuerst. Bei der Untersuchung hat der Kinderarzt mir das gleiche erklärt. ^_^
Neue Eltern müssen noch viel Erfahrungen sammeln, danke für den Tipp. :)

Keine Ursache, gern geschehen; ich habe das ganze schon 5 Mal hinter mir;)

haha sag dem Papi,dass die Kleine dennoch sicher sehr schlau sein wird. Hirnzellen haben wir wirklich sehr sehr viele und wenn Einstein mit der Behauptung recht hatte das wir eh nur 1/10 benutzen, dann dürfte das wirklich genug Redundanz sein :)
Fallen gehört zum Laufenlernen leider integral hinzu :) Aber ich bin mir sicher eure Kleine meistert das hervorragend :D

Einstein mag ja vieles gewesen sein, ein Biologe jedoch nicht (und fairerweise muss gesagt werden, dass ihm diese Aussage wohl fälschlicherweise zugeschrieben wird). :)
Bei der 'Zehntel-Theorie' handelt es sich ganz offensichtlich um einen Mythos.

Actually's quite amazing.....looking gulu gulu...he has lot of energy...and really day he will win to stand

Your princess is really cute and she has very sweet smile. I especially love her voice when she can stand by herself! It seems that she’s happy and proud of herself in doing this! Really great development!

I enjoyed watching her from the beginning till the end of the video…She had really good trying! I’m quite sure that she’ll have new skills after she reach 7 months age next week… I look forward to reading your next story about her with much interest!

Hallo Tangmo... I do think so. She's very excited and now even capable of feigning a cough. Since then she's doing it so often. What an actress, such an attention seeker hahahaha.

You’re right! She’s really cute actress, very active and has great progress of development. ;)

o my God !!
she is so cute ! i love kids so much
and i think every time that they can do sth new will be greattttt for their parents and family
so.. what's her name?

Thank you ^_^ , I do think so. I never imagined I would really enjoy being a mother, being patient is not my virtue actually.
Btw, you can just call her Little J, as she is indeed the small version of jaki01 :-D she is just like a fotocopy of her daddy.

she will be walking and running before you know it!

Yeah, I'm so excited about it. She's now trying to walk along the sofa to come nearer to me already.
She has not succeeded yet. She falls straigt away because she still hasn't understood that in order to walk while using the sofa as a support, she needs not only to move her hand, but she also has to move her feet accordingly. :-D
But I guess she would find it out really soon. I just need to stay a bit far from her as a bait hahaha.

da hat die Prinzessin aber eine Stimme........

Sie hält ständig ihren Vortrag, manchmal ist sie sogar Mitternacht aufgestanden um wieder ihren Vortrag zu halten, aber man versteht davon kein Wort :-D .

Frauen.......??? lol***

Hahahahha... oder schlimmerer ==> ein Kandidat für eine Politikerin?

ohh lass das Jan bloß nicht hören.....

Cutie piee...!

Dah besar aj ya mbak. Wes pinter merangkak kan ya...anak sy seumuran tp baru merayap pakai perut. Tp wes tekan ngendi2. Emaknya ga bs ngapa2in, jd satpam.

Selalu jatuh cinta dengan senyum 1000watt si princess.

Iya, emaknya ngga bisa ngapa2in lagi kalau si kecil udah mulai kelayapan. Apalagi dapurku model terbuka... bisa kacau dunia wkwkkwkwkwk.
Tapi perkembangan anak2 mah emang ngga bisa dibandingin, milestones nya beda-beda, data pembanding mah cuma buat "Orientierung" aja. Ini anakku duduk aja belum bisa, tapi malah dah mulai pengen merembet, setiap kali dia ketemu benda yang bisa dipake pegangan, terutama kalau mau nyaari emaknya.
Kalau aku tinggal masak pas dia sibuk main sendiri (ruang tengah udah diamankan dari potensi bahaya, stopkontak listrik dah di kasih pengaman juga), tiba2 dia udah ada di belakangku... aduh... sekarang harus ingat nengok belakang dulu kalau mau kemana-mana, bisa gawat kalau nginjek/nabrak anak sendiri haha.

mari kita nikmati semua keribetan dan keseruan ini ya mbak Ana @kobold-djawa. Cuma sebentar ini hehehe.....

Her actions will amaze you more as time goes on. And the joy of motherhood is being there to witness her every move and encouraging her when the need arises. Oh Sweet Motherhood!

Yes, something to cherish cos it will never come/be repeated again. Even if one might have another child in the future... they're just not the same... every one of them would be special and each of their development would be a different experience as well . :)

Exactly @kobold-djawa.

Wow!!! really cute baby.. she is trying to standing. But cant wait lot of times because baby is too little yet.

Maybe yes, maybe not... she seems to be so eager to walk already now. Whenever I leave her busy playing alone and I try to do something with my computer, after a while I suddenly notice a little creature already near beside my sofa and slowly moving towards me while holding on the sofa. It creeps me out at first sight, because she's so wobbly.

Jagoan mamanya sudah besar ya

Iyaaa, nggak berasa banget tahu-tahu udah setengah tahun lewat aja.
Anaknya dah kepengen lari aja...

She's so cute
its so surprising how they(kids) grow so fast
My little niece i actually bath just yesterday(meaning months back) now talks and even calls out my name

Yes..yes, you're right. Time indeed flies. I know how you feels. I've felt the same way years ago with my little cousins, when I was still single. The adults do not really notice that they're growing old until they meet their little relatives after long time. :-D

Yea. I just can't wait to be a mum!!(lol)

Wow...such a lovely moment in your life... with cute baby...
Feeling awesome.. @kobold-djawa
Wel done mam...

Thank you... it is indeed a lovely moment that shouldn't be missed.

Smart video of your little princess.
Also nice article about her.
Thank you @kobold-djawa.

You're welcome. Thanks for stopping by :).

Wow nice video.lovely baby
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Thank you :)

@kobold-djawa - Congratulations cute <3 God bless you son..... <3

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Gemesin ya mba?
Namanya siapa kalau boleh tahu?

Waduh, maaf yaaa.. ini video-nya aja pake ku edit pas ada aku manggil namanya tak ilangin suaranya hehehe. Makasih sudah mampir. ^_^

Veryyyy cutest baby 😍😍

Thank you :)

She is so cute , thank u for sharing her video

You're welcome... thanks for stopping by.

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