RE: CPAC 2019 is weird (so very weird) | The Serfs

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CPAC 2019 is weird (so very weird) | The Serfs

in dtube •  6 years ago 

Ok, I can understand from history as in the case of Bush Jr who was expanding the welfare state in order to win elections and that similar was done by other GOP members. And now with Trump GOP is promoting right-wing collectivism and protectionism which the Republicans have historically been against by promoting more limited government and freedom. So yes, I do see that republicans and conservatives in USA are doing more of statist, welfarist, collectivist policies. But what has that to do with Soros foundation?

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Basically in my view, Soros and left wingers and globalists with lots of money are steering conservatism into a harmless free market party with no real policies or influence (they go along with modern liberalism and support Israel) and they are standing in the way of a real right wing movement.

I do not agree. First of all, there is no such evidence. Second, Republicans have always supported pro-Israel policies regardless who is in the Israeli government. Also, GOP, Republicans and many conservatives have since Trump being more orienting towards natavism and collectivism especially when it comes to discussions about immigration and identity. And what would we a "real" right-wing movement? A libertarian one? I would like to hear more about that.

Nationalists that are principled and defend the right of their own people to have a future and a heritage in their own countries. How well do you think "Libertarian-ism" will do in the coming decades as the left import more and more immigrants who have more and more children who vote overwhelmingly Democrat? Its too weak to do anything, its essential just riding the fence really hard.

"Defend" in which sense? What is the content of such "defence"? Nationalism is about absolute identity politics, identity monopoly, myths, hate, fear and reduction of freedom. Nationalism is little bit like being bigger Catholic than a Pope behaviour. Things as identity, culture, rights are based on our human rights and individual freedoms. Saying that nationalist defend such rights is simply untrue because such behaviors lead to corruption, wars and authoritarianism. Also, not even in the USA you have a single nation, there is a big difference between San Francisco and small tows in Rust Belt. I support open borders/global free movement on the basis of interactions between individuals. If you want USA to have less illegal immigration, well try making more immigration legal and let cities as Los Angeles to decide on refugees and asylum seekers.

Defend in the sense of keeping a homogeneous society with your own culture, race, religion and texture of life. Defend it from increased crime, strain on public amenities/welfare, downward pressure on wages, overpopulation, greater job competition and upward pressure on housing prices. These things are not happening in eastern European countries like Poland and Hungary or in countries like Iceland because they have a nationalist sentiment or still have a homogeneous nation and an identity which is important. If you go to Japan is has its own distinct culture if you import millions of africans, it will loose that culture. You are the one whose policies are genocidal and 'hateful' I want Japan to remain Japanese and so do they and that's up to them, not you.
Also, there have been no terror attacks since 2001 in Poland and they have their own religion and race safely enjoying their heritage with low crime rates. They don't feel like foreigners in their own countries. Poland is not "authoritarian" and neither was the US up until 1965 when the immigration act was changed resulting in the violent, hateful, incoherent mess that it is today. The US used to have a European identity of its own without massive political divisions that globalists caused by importing the third world. If you import the third world, your country will become the third world. There is nothing wrong with looking after your own people and I suspect you like immigration because you are an immigrant. I don't just want the US to have less illegal immigration i want less immigration altogether, far less virtually zero. The world you want to create is a meaningless world of grey men with no history or culture and no stake in their own nation, it is a mixed up mess that only serves mega corporations, not the people. This is the real authoritarianism, the kind that the EU flouts, where un-elected bureaucrats that no one has even heard of make laws that serve a small financial elite of globalists. No western country has ever voted for mass immigration, only big business stand to gain from it so they have more custom and more voters for left wing parties and higher prices in the housing market and more control generally. You still didn't answer my question how can libertarianism survive and make an impact if you keep importing people who don't support it? You cant have libertarianism and mass immigration they are completely antithetical, you are living in narnia.

That is not defence, that is actually collectivism and authoritarianism without respecting human rights, equal treatment and freedom. What nationalist do is to use myths and identity politics around those issues in order to promote fear and collectivism, and corruption as well. Even on basis of racism and culturism. So they are not defending anything expect of their own strange fictions. Because things as culture and identity are based on social constructions and affections, which are changing all the time. The way you are presenting culture here is something else than what science and research has concluded many years ago.

Iceland is one of the most globalized countries and has quite open borders and immigration, even if the immigration levels are small because the country itself i small. This is why for example 3 million people from Africa cannot come to Japan because there will simply not be enough place.

Hungary and Poland have regimes with nationalist sentiments which are conducting corruption and statism. This is the especially in Hungary where the government is quite corrupted. government's policies there that are keeping many wages low and workers have problems to negotiate wages with their employers because the Hungarian government is a state-capitalist one. So the Hungarian government is not "defending" their country, they are defending their own positions. If you like corruption and cronyism, be my guest. Also, nationalism in Europe is historically and politically dangerous because it goes against ideas of European constitutionalism, democracy and citizenship.

Yes, I favor open borders and global free movement on basis of liberal/libertarian ideas. As with the case of Bryan Caplan, who for example shows that immigration from the developing countries does not lead to developed countries becoming worse. That is the point of libertarianism, that one does not care about culture, race or gender. One does not see people as being "imported" or "exported". One supports freedom for all humans simply because we are human beings with our freedoms, rights and sovereignty.

Also, those who are or who are seen as globalists also have their identification and affiliations with cities, states, regions etc.

Meaningless babel and again you didn't answer the question. These libertarian ideas will all die out if you import millions of foreigners. Just look at some stats on how non whites vote in the west. Why do 90% of blacks vote for the democrats in the US? is that a 'social construct'. Also Rights are only granted and secured by the state that you live in and they grew out of what would today be regarded as nationalist countries. They aren't made of sherbet and pixie dust , they have to be enforced.
Your English is really poor and its difficult to workout what your trying to say, but race and culture are not "social constructs" they are objective truths, you are completely lost in a world political correctness and lies. Here is a paper about racial differences.
Here are the voting stats
This is my last reply, I'm not wasting anymore time. I cant argue with someone who thinks evolution stops at the neck and that cultures fall from the sky and lucky people get the good ones. I think unfortunately you have inherited your national average IQ of 89 or even lower.