Are we just slaves working toward our own obsolescence?

in dtube •  7 years ago 

Well, here we are.... many of us too eager to blame the generations before us for the state we are left in today. This is like blaming our parents for a shitty upbringing. Its kind of true, but also what we made of it and how we vowed to change it for our own kids.

My video in a simplistic way hopefully covers how we have, over the generations, traded away our life with nature for one with the promise of a better system, and the realisation of buyers remorse that seems to have locked in not only those sold a lie, but all their future generations and given them a path to obsolescence.

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It won't stream for me. :( But I'll try back later, I would love to see your views on this subject.

f ur still having probs, try youtube, I'm on there under the same name. I seem to be having dtube problems as well......

I got it to work just had to skip like 1 min in.

Wow man...

That's spot on. Your a wise dude, defiantly not asleep. The sad thing here is, that was an amazingly insightful video. I wish I was a whale I'd defiantly 100% upvote your comment right now to pay you for that contribution to the site. I don't know for a certainty but i'm under the impression you can only get payed for stuff in the first 7 days. Hope here Dtube it's different. I find getting clear answers to these questions difficult. I am nearly certain that if @thejohalfiles was to see this video he would give you a big upvote. This is Quality stuff. I'm very appreciative.

I love your 3d model. I want to do videos as well. I do much better speaking than I do typing. For some reason speaking is like N2O for my brain. In that analogy my brain is a car. Not N2O's actual effect on the brain when inhaled that is. But I'm not sure that I want o reveal my identity yet, due to many of the topics that interest me. IE the Enslavement of Humanity., and the Global Deception.

Oh and nice voice.

My sentiments exactly (on not revealing my face, although I will at some point).
I think you are spot on with the 7 day rule, but not to worry, when I have more 'subscribers' I will just use the script for a post instead.
I actually find talking harder to be as concise as typing so another reason for the racoon. I could make a script, record, rerecord making expresions etc. It was very time consuming so not very good when it takes 1-2 weeks to write and record/rerecord.
It does sound like something you might enjoy playing with though, especially if you have the skill to do it on the fly. If you have access to Steam (the games distributer online) and some form of pc camera, download 'facerig' as you get it for free. I paid for more stuff but I dont think you have to unless you are earning a fairly large monthly fee from using it (I just wanted to play with some different faces that I ultimately did not use).

Forgot to mention, if you are bored try out 'is money the root of all evil' and 'welcome to the chessboard', these were my favorite scripts (but I'm biased of course! LOL).