Secret Rockefeller System Exposed

in dtube •  7 years ago 

In this video, Jason Bermas discuses the revelation of the secret Rolodex system that David Rockefeller personally used to categorize over 100,000 individuals with over 200,000 cards. Some of his globalist ties are exposed through these revelations.

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This is great and iformative! Thanks!

I often follow the history of John Rockefeller. he was one of the American businessmen who culminated in prison confinement during a very social and brave presidential term Roosevelt.

thanks for sharing great job done

Thanks for bringing this even more to light. Has everything to do a ponzi scheme of control that is abusive to everyone involved. Don't like that type of backroom dealing style of cabal going on while the rest of us have to be open and transparent?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey bud a heads up but users cant access your asteroid article!

Oh wow thanks, sorry @dubvdave for the heads up. Appreciate greatly the feedback. Keep up the good work I love the conversation this brings up, transparency is something lacking in the current international banking system. Thanks again

I got it ! Great article! Imagine the wealth if this could be powered by the steemit community :P STEEM powered asteroid bases hahaha.

Sounds good @dubvdave you can start the investment banking clearinghouse to get it off the ground. Luxembourg is the top investing government of asteroid mining not even throwing a quarter of a billion dollars in research/development. You probably have that much in your couch cushions?

I've been collecting and hodling couch "tokens" lol

I've been collecting and hodling couch "tokens" for a while now.

Thanks Jason for sharing. You and Luke really do a great job. I hope you guys can do a lot of projects in 2018!
Cheers and kind regards from we are change Switzerland!

What's a Rockefeller system?

What video???

It should be linked via the picture:)

Rothchild, Rockefeller, Schiff, Warburg, Golden Sachs... all Jewish run banking mafia cartel. Has been for centuries.That's 5 families, I've heard at least 7 run the world, could be wrong. Who are the other two? Rothschild and Rockefellers are the most well known, I believe.

Add Kissinger,JP Morgan,Soros to the list,there was another but I forgot it.

I'd guess they're more the middle tier,with actual top final tier is what most would say,all roads lead to Rome. Someone elsewhere online said,Vatican for religion,UK is finance and US for the military,connect the 3,it goes very deep in the rabbit hole.

Don't forget their most important child assassin: Bill Gates and his tool, the WHO

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

And they called bitcoin the currency of criminals pffft they just don't like competition filthy warmongering bankers!

Thank you for your informative post. Your every post is nice and informative.

Illuminati rocks we were shocked

The anti-Rockefeller focus of these otherwise incompatible political positions owes much to Populism. "Populists" believe in conspiracies and one of the most enduring is that a secret group of international bankers and capitalists, and their minions, control the world's economy.
Excellent stuff here. you just earned my vote and follow

When Rothschild family (with the others) own ALL but 3 of the Central Banks worldwide, that is not populism belief in conspiracies - it is fact!

I too admire all those who had the courage to stick to their guns and keep telling us, until we learnt to think for ourselves again.

they control everything in this world, from banking to arms to politics to poverty and wealth of a country. they simply control everything with money through media that it

they must be billionaires

lol...try trillionaires. Just Rothschild is worth the total value of USA at least twice over.

Good post

What the fuck is gov doing?
Thank you @lukewearechange for sharing​​ this with us.
@shubhamsaurav . And I also accept crypto.​ Send me that @shubhamsaurav

Happy New year Jason!! :-)

Very interesting expose...I'd like to know more. Thanks for sharing.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I like Luke, but I like Jason's style of reporting better. This is another great report from wearechange. UV & RS. So really, you got to wait ten years to see the rollerdeck? But you and I they would confiscate our computers and make public anything they want in an instance. Compared to DR our crimes amount to nothing. DR's fate is now in his maker's hands. This ten year clause protects the rest of his gang, Looks like they are 100,000 of them.

I can guarantee that these scrooges will be crapping themselves with the new cryptocurrency revolution. They can't control or regulate it but I have noticed that they are trying. All of them are just leeching off society in a whole also these scumbags are the reason why the world is the way it is.

rear friend thanks for sharing i hope you a happy new year

Rockefeller is rotting in HELL now.....

Thanks information

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His legacy will burn brightly and eternally through the continued good work of his children, his extended family, and all those who see him as role model.

Whose legacy? Who are you talking about?

Nice post keep posting
Happy new year

Excellent report connecting Capital (the Rockefellers) and collective human misery.
I was a teenager when Nelson Rockefeller's son got lost and was never found.
Nelson himself had been 'Happy' playing around as governor
destined to be vice president in a handful of years.
Capital, as we know it today is the cause of human misery.
Rockefeller is the Prince of Capital.
God save the People the hell with the King

Wonderful post as always @ lukewearechange
happy new year

I am new here and hope to find help

Spam is not clever - especially of a psychologist, as you describe yourself. Go back and read some of the articles written for helping newbies before someone gets angry and flags you.

@lukewerechange You know something, I always see your publication to inspire me Someday I will be in trend and you will see me. I always see you ... greetings and may God bless you and spend a happy year full of blessings, this has nothing to do with your subject, but with the treatment of what you read

very good follow me @danu-drj

New Year will enter tonight with midnight
We hope that it will be better than 2017 and that there will be more progress and prosperity
Happy year to all and we wish all the struggle and diligence in this year to realize your dreams
Let us make this year a beautiful and happy year for all

This is great and informative! Thanks!


Nearly Everything you believe to be true is most likely an illusion or there is a misconception otherwise bias history. Since the beginning of humanity we were inslaved, treated as cattle, and made a mockery of. This still is true today, we may not be inslaved per se, but theoretically we are. Our entrie lives our ruled by the dollar, and our ideas are influenced by those that are the conquerors, the main goal of those that are in power has always remained the same. Control every single resource on the planet, and use said resources to control the population(cattle farming). Control of all earths resources allows an abundance for those that are the rulers and little to nothing to those that are the middle class men and poor. It has been a main goal to keep the people in ignorance and controlled, although as time has gone by humans have gained more so called, "rights" and people on the top began to let certain populations have more than originally; they discovered a happy sheep is a hard working slave. The goal of humans is unclear, we claim to be the keepers of peace when really we are the creators of destruction. The poor and the middle class men build this world from the ground up with little to no recognition whatsoever. We are building an empire for the banks, corporations and others on the top. Money is what keeps us loyal sheep, something that is essentially worthless grants us access to anything required for survival. We can't hunt without permits, claim our own water/land/resources. The people on the top must get a cut of every action in this world or it's bad news for you. If you do not pay taxes or Obide by the laws they will break you and lock you away, we the population are being brainwashed and dumbed down everyday as we speak. Fluoride in water was used by Russia and the nazis in their prison camps to make them sheep, The us is just doing it more slowly an inconspicuous. Every news channel spits lies other than the occasional uplifting story or ones invlolvong death. Fear is constantly inflicted upon us to convince us we need government, we are always assigning a boogeyman. These countries we have invaded and made part of the globalization process of the new world order all had one thing in common, they were not part of the Rothschild banking system, once we deplete a Country of its resources it's essential worthless to the top so banks are an everstanding system to profit off of. Both sides of every war since napoleon have been funded by the Rothschilds, there are exceptions though, they didn't not fund Japan during ww1 or 2, but they did fund china because, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." They don't give a damn what happens to us as long as they can profit off of us and keep them beneath us. We already built this world and they have the power. There is no profit to be made unless we are at war, population control is a big part of it. The bottom line is we are in too deep and people that are in the military, police etc don't even know who they are defending the laws for. Brainwashed sheep do as they are told, we live this lie that America is great but we are the terrorists, we create diseases make them airbourne and call it an epidemic. Humanity is slowly getting stupider but more awoke, soon it will be too late and the world will never be saved. The earths oceans and animals are at the bottom of the pyramid then it's us, the debt slaves. After thatch order religion, government, private sanctions, corporations, then the banks. Ww1&2 was all over fighting over who will be the top dog to globalize and deplet the resources of the assigned enemy. Religion is used to divide us so we don't join together to revolt. There is very little good in such a big world, we all worship these celebrities that sell their souls and do as they are told to change our culture into animalistic materialistic worshiping mindless sheep. The goal is to get kids addicted to sex drugs and deduct us to animals. The wordsex appears 100s of times in every past Disney movie, our concious minds don't pick it up but subconsciously they do. Unfortunately tv incrypts personalities and spits messed up ideologies and false truths into our heads without us even realizing it. NEVER LISTEN TO THE MEDIA ESPECIALLY IN THE US! There is a lot more I can inform people on I have read documents unleashed by thee Snowden and the truth is not pretty. WAKE UP WORLD fightthe power and join together, humans were not made to kill we were made to rejoice and love one another and build this earth up for the greater good. I'm sorry if this is all over the place it's 3:30 am and I'm an insomniac. So many things were coverups it's unbelievable, The titanic was an insurance scam they sunk the sister ship not the titanic, 9-11 was an insurance scam and a way to kill two bird with one stone, incite a war and get rid of building with an absbestos issue. Buy guns and don't give them up to your government no matter what, freedom isn't free and you can't put a price tag on happiness., stay woke people!!!

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It is a pity it is not available as a torrent, since I cannot watch anything on DTube

nice one

This video doesn't work. Mabye someone hacked it from intelligence agencies or criminal syndicate privately owned intelligence? (It is still wroking on youtube. Not so much news for experienced investigators though.)