Why We Must Listen To Putin and Elon Musk NOW!

in dtube •  7 years ago 

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on Elon Musk and Russian President Vladimir Putin very important statements on AI artificial intelligence. We go over the systems that Facebook, Google and other governments are developing right now that will have grave implications for the future of our life.

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It's awesome that you are here in steemit. I've been following you for years. #StayWoke

Yep me too, since 'Loose Change'.

You're a dumbass. ;) And Elon is fear-mongering frustrated cry-baby.
Power in the wrong hands is dangerous, that part is true. But power has been in the wrong hands for ages. AI will not change any of that.
AI will speed up the natural events that would also happen without it.
AI will NEVER create a god-like entity.
NEVER. If that is what you believe you don't understand the limits of computing.

What are the limits of computing then? Why the name calling? Luke and We Are Change have been fighting the good fight for over 10 YEARS. What have you been doing for the last 10 years? Fighting government corruption and foreign wars of agression? I bet not, dumbass!

It is Luke's idea to call himself a dumbass. If someone does so, I am always happy to confirm such statement. Luke and WAC certainly have good intentions and mostly do the right thing, but you need to understand who you are up against in order to avoid doing exactly as they would like you to do. As for me, I have not been sitting on my hands neither the last decade. How about you?
Oh, on the limits of computing power... I wrote this.

Oh, forgot to mention; you lost your bet. :)

NICE! Pumped to learn you're on steemit Luke.

This is one of those things I really hate thinking about because it's like, "We have to stop the oligarchy before the singularity gets here." But then it's like, "People still think JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald fuuuuuuccckkkkkkkk."

1st! Luke, you & my brother look just alike.

I am not super worried about artificial intelligence. Google maps still can't always get me to the right spot and have you used a computer? What we will have is a bunch of drones bombing the wrong house. Or just crashing. Anyway all it would take is a little EMP to defeat it Small Soldiers style.

This conflict between US and N. Korea will bring doom to the world.

Now if we bring the AI war in between, whoever win this is the ruler!

China looks like having more potential in coming out with an advanced AI system.

After talking with @heimindanger, I made a post with the latest stats of DTube and how well it is competing with Youtube. Do check it out! You are part of the stats @lukewearechange :)

Cheers XD

Elon is brilliant and this who AI thing is freaking me out a little.

Elon may very well be brilliant but his companies survive on trillions in tax subsidies. He may just be a figure head, IDK.


right! i mean look at terminator, i robot, shit is about to blow up. next thing you know it will be about robotcism instead of racism.

As always Luke you’ve hit it right. Scary times but the people are wakening at a every growing rate. We are near the hundredth monkey my friend we are near :)

Now it is 1984…