RE: JOY! Blossom Country in the Golden Hour (D.Tube Video)

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JOY! Blossom Country in the Golden Hour (D.Tube Video)

in dtube •  6 years ago 

Beautiful comment Sis, this is an epic post actually! You look amazing, and that is one of the biggest salamanders I have ever seen, I had to look hard to see if it is real, is it?

Garden is looking HUGE and so green!

You can never let me down, you are a shining star who has never given up or given in the whole time I've known you. Take care of you first, the rest will fall into place. You are so beautiful, caring, wise and kind. You are LOVED~~~!!!!!!! And you're kickin' ass, so even if you feel down know I'm always in awe of you!!

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Oh yeah, I was soooo surprised when I saw the little guy chilling next to the tree while I was building the pond.

We have a TON of giant worms around the yard so chances are he was either a she or just had a very large feast of wormy worms ~

and honestly I'm so blessed ;_; thank you ~squishy happy Kei hug~
ya'll ready for dis~ ~blasts music and unleashes the pokemonz~

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment