VIVA CATALONIA! - #LegalizeFreedom #StateOfJefferson

in dtube •  7 years ago 

Today Mango smokes a joint in Solidarity with the Catalans, the Kurds, and all the free people throughout the world... Cheers!
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The Kurdish referendum is the product of ethnic cleansing. Do you understand what it means? All in place only to balkanize the area for the sake of "Greater Israel" and of course for NATO to steal the oil.

On the other hand the aborted Referendum held today in the region of north-east Spain was a joke, achieved trough non democratic procedures to destroy one of the oldest nation states on earth for the sake of globalism.
The international observers presented to control the illegal voting belong to a NATO think tank.

Image: Former president of the Catalan Generalitat (indicted for corruption)

Research a little before posting or better smoke less and use your brain.

Kurdistan – what the referendum is hiding
by Thierry Meyssan

"The independence of Iraqi Kurdistan would be a tour de force, insofar as it would mean displacing Kurdistan, as it was recognised by the Sèvres Conference in 1920, from its current location on Turkish territory to Iraqi territory. Of course, everyone has become used to using the title Kurdistan to indicate this region, which, since 1991, has been subject to a slow and continual ethnic cleansing by London and Washington."
"On 1 June 2014, the secret services of Saudia Arabia, the United States, Israël, Jordan, the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan, Qatar, the United Kingdom and Turkey organised, in Amman, (Jordan) a preparatory meeting for the invasion of Iraq by Daesh. We know of the existence of this meeting by the Turkish document that Özgür Gündem published immediately [2]. "
"According to this document, it was agreed to coordinate Daesh and the region of Iraqi Kurdistan. The former launched a lightning offensive to capture Mosul, while the latter grabbed Kirkuk."
"When Daesh invaded the part of Iraq that the United States had previously attributed to him, they profited from the occasion to imprison the Yezedis and bind them into slavery. Most of the Yezedis are Kurdish, but in conformity with the Amman agreement, the neighbouring Barzanis did not intervene, even when some of them fled into the Sinjar mountains. Those who fled were finally saved by the commandos of the Turkish PKK. The Turkish Kurds saved them all, whether they were Kurds or not. They used this victory to demand their recognition from the Western powers (who, since the Cold War, has viewed them as terrorists). The current revision of this affair by the Barzanis cannot erase their crime against their own people [4]."

Nothing is real cuz it's all a Jewish conspiracy. Right. Got it. How sophisticated a worldview you have. Meyssan is a good writer but that critique of the Barzani is flimsy. I don't particularly care if Iraq is "balkanized" provided that it leads to better outcomes for it's residents. Same goes for old Catholic monarchs in Spain and it's puerile propagandists. Fuck the Triple Crown all over the world, child. I know the stakes of the same, the players and the score. All is revealed in time. Cheers.