Total War Arena #10 - Sword and Javelin Wave Defenders

in dtube •  7 years ago  (edited)

With 2 afk players and continually faced by superior numbers, we use terrain and tactics to shutdown multiple waves of enemy until we finally tip the balance in our favor and secure the win.

@Fiskey is playing 3 Roman Peltists as Julius Caesar and i'm playing 3 Roman Swordsmen as Commander Sulla. This gives us a good shield wall and high penetration anti infantry ranged combination to protect and destroy.

As the game starts we find no other melee infantry to support us in the center field and an afk player as well. In this map there is basically a two lane center field with merge points at each end. Knowing this if we pushed in with inferior numbers the other lane could flank us. So instead we elect to withdraw from the center field and setup a defensive position at the villa on the hillside. This keeps us outside of enemy catapult range and using the gap between the cliff and the villa as a bottleneck we can hold back enemy troops so we can bring to bear our ranged weapons upon them.

Unfortunately for us this wasn't the biggest challenge we'd face as we'd fight an additional 2 waves of armies back at our capture point and must make the best use of what men we have left to hold them back and wipe them out as we're all that's left as they pour out of the forest to attack.

This game shows how excellent peltists can be when properly protected and allowed to support infantry with javelin attacks from the flanks. Their mobility and penetration is unmatched and when thrown from the right angle they're quite safe around allies. That said i wouldn't recommend playing peltists away from infantry and preferably infantry you're on voice with so you can make sure they make sacrifices if need be to block cavalry charges and keep you alive. Cavalry will decimate peltists given the chance.

Total War Arena

Total War Arena is an upcoming free to play rts moba being published by wargaming the makers of World of Tanks and World of Warships. It's currently still in closed beta and you have to purchase something from the arena shop to grab a key to the beta.

Arena is a 10v10 game where players select the commander of their choice and 3 unit regiments of their choice as they fight battles you earn silver and experience and can equip and upgrade the units that you're using as well as level up the commander and improve their abilities.

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AFK are such a pain, I wish you could highlight your units along with theirs rather than having to swap 'contexts' so to speak

yeah it's not ideal i'd almost rather bots took over they'd be shit but less hassle to deal with