Gayo Traditional Boat Race Competition (Lomba Perahu DayungTradisional Gayo)

in dtube •  7 years ago 

This traditional gayo boat rowing competition, always a regular agenda during long holiday season or big day by pante area peme, sub district, takengon, aceh tengah, aceh, indonesia.

Lomba perahu dayung tradisional gayo ini, selalu menjadi agenda rutin ketika musim libur panjang atau hari-hari besar oleh pemuda kawasan pante menye, kecamatan bintang, takengon, aceh tengah, aceh, indonesia.

This traditional rowing boat competition was held, as well as introducing the gayo culture area to the tourists as well as the younger generation.

Lomba perahu dayung tradisional ini digelar, sekaligus memperkenalkan budaya daerah gayo pada para wisatawan serta generasi muda.

This rowing boat, is a boat that is usually used by residents around the lake lut bargain to find fish depik and other fish in the lake.

Perahu dayung ini, merupakan perahu yang biasanya digunakan oleh warga sekitar danau lut tawar untuk mencari ikan depik serta ikan lainnya di danau.

The rowing boat competition, as well as an effort to introduce the history, where almost all residents who inhabit the lake around able to paddle boats to find fish as the main source of income.

Lomba perahu dayung tersebut, juga sebagai upaya mengenalkan sejarah, dimana hampir semua warga yang mendiami di sekitar danau mampu mendayung perahu untuk mencari ikan sebagai sumber penghasilan utama.

This rowing boat competition, always get the attention of the tourists who come, so that the main attraction for tourists, in addition to enjoying the beauty of the lake, and clarity of water, and culinary jing acid.

Lomba perahu dayung ini, selalu mendapat perhatian dari para wisatawan yang datang, sehingga menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi wisatawan, selain menikmati keindahan danau, dan kejernihan airnya, serta kuliner asam jing,

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