LinkSeven77 = 7%LinkedIn + 7%Kickstarter + 7%YCombinator

in dtube •  6 years ago  (edited)



1 Core Values

  • We focused on thinking long term and put passionate people at the centre of our universe and empower their personal values, their communities, their ideas and projects, while encouraging collaboration, contribution, networking and innovation
  • We treat everyone with fairness, protect their values and privacy while, giving opportunity to everyone to grow.
  • It'll be always day one at LinkSeven77 and we'll remain as a start-up forever
  • We add love and kindness with everything we do

2 LinkSeven77 (7% LinkedIn + 7% Kickstarter + 7% Y Combinator + Innovations + Experiments )

  • The Bigger picture and Elevator pitch


3 LinkFamily77 via DtubeZnapper

  • Znapp77 - Coming soon
  • Znapx - Coming soon
  • Znap+Zap and ZnapRule24/3
    * Znap is a maximum 3 minutes long dtube vlog that contains question/s or seeking feedback from entire steem communities. It designed to get some feedback for your ideas and projects and it can be also used to ask genuine and authentic question/s regarding anything and everything
    * #Zap is the comment that responding to Znap content. #Zap comment is only recommended to used for answering questions or to provide feedback/s
    * Znap is restricted to maximum one per one individual in any given 24 hours and you must receive at least 3 #zaps from unique individuals on your previous Znap in order to create a new Znap

4 LinkProject77 via ZnapperMeetsTwitter

  • We recommend all the members of FamilySeven77 to have Twitter account, So that we can collectively grab the attention of Angel investors and Venture Capitalist to fund your ideas, project and dApps and empower your own communities directly.
  • Whenever possible, please kindly share any steem dApps content that you enjoyed consuming on Twitter to put our blockchain in the centre of the crypto universe and be patient until we build the next generations Twitter alike killer dApp here on STEEM. Please kindly use #STEEM hashtag when sharing on Twitter.
  • Get guaranteed upvote for your Znap from @nathanmars and many others in the future by sharing your own Znap contents on Twitter by mentioning @ NathanMars7 and one more from the TwitterListSeven77. You must be a member of FamilySeven77 to enjoy this benefit. Please kindly use #STEEM hashtag when sharing on Twitter.
  • Get guaranteed upvote for your #Zap - Coming soon
  • Get guaranteed Resteem - Coming soon

5 LinkAngel77 via TwitterListSeven77

6 No Roadmap for LinkSeven77 and it'll be all baby steps

  • Baby Steps one, Two and Three


  • LinkSeven77 Baby Step one - Coming next....

7 Notes

  • You can become and remain as a member of FamilySeven77 by having 100 SP (Skin in our Blockchain) and leaving minimum 3 #Zap comments daily on other FamilySeven77 member's Znap contents (Daily contribution)
  • LinkSeven77 will operate as a platform and provide valuable ongoing services to its members that are similar what LinkedIN, Kickstarter, Y Combinator offer.
  • Members of LinkSeven77 can leave at any time and no questions will be asked.
  • LinkSeven77 is currently forming a team that contains 17 co-founders and 7 advisors and this hiring will be on going process and team members can maintain their privacy at all time. We'll prioritise protecting our team members.
  • All my (@nathanmars) previous initiatives are completely withdrawn immediately from today and Please stop using DtubeSnap, DtubeSnapPlus, DtubeSnapx, DtubeSnapQ, DtubeSnapR, #SNAPcomment, #SNAPPluscomment and #SNAPfeedback.
  • If anyone interested in becoming member of FamilySeven77 and have less than 100 SP then please get in touch with
    @jongolson ( and LinkSeven77 and are collaborating
    Roadto100SP initiative. (
  • LinkSeven77 will collaborate, cooperate and merge with many other projects within our Blockchain and also outside of our Blockchain to empower passionate people, empower community and empower ideas and projects.

Thanks 🙏

Twitter nathanmars7
Telegram nathanmars7
WhatsApp +447901003594
Discord @nathanmars#2708

▶️ DTube
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Hello @nathanmars from Venezuela and especially in our nascent project vdc (Venezuelans dtubers Community) we want to thank you for taking us into account and in some way assessing the work that we have been doing with the Hispanic community with great love and learning every day.

We also extend our wishes to you a happy year 2019 with your loved ones and we appreciate any advice or guidance that makes us grow together with Dtub for this new year. Here we are all heard and are ready to work as much as possible. God bless you brother, see you soon.


Always I truly appreciate your efforts and contribution towards our Blockchain.

Happy to have @vdc in our Family77 (Thriving communities)

Happy 2019 for your wonderful family!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Please @nathanmars ,please how can I join and is it a must that I must make videos ?

Stay blessed

Hello @egbujorvictor seeing that dtubefamily777 is all about vlogs, I tend to think you need a yes answer.

Ok.thanks for your response .

Your Tweet Tweet birds are adorable. Hehe.

Baby steps are just steps to move mountain. The picture is getting clearer and more and more of us are ready for this. Let's!!!

Happy New Year.


Gifs are done by using mobile phone app called Moment Cam. I really love it. You can try it if you want. 😁

LinkSeven77, here we come!

I am trying to get the habit of twittering now. Trying my best...😉 Still learning Twitter.

I truly appreciate your continuous support!

When planning I like to use my hands and I managed to draw the Twitter birds perfectly I guess..

I wish you and your family a wonderful 2019 !!!

Talk to you soon:)

Yes the birds are perfect. Yup, talk to you soon :) 😊

How did you make that!!!! OMGOSH i love it!!!!

@prettynicevideo. no tricks at all. just use the app called Moment Cam. in your phone. snap your face and you can do all sorts of action there. try it. I know you will love it!😁

Will get the hang of it
Probably will need to write it down haha

Just wanted to wish you a Fabulous 2019 Nathan :)
Here's to SteemVerse reaching Seventh Heaven

With our baby step approach I’m sure that everyone will get used to it.

I wish you a wonderful 2019 to you and your loved ones!

Talk to you soon:)


there is an issue in Twitter i can't make a new account, i tried many time it's keep telling me after i put info "something went wrong, try again later" :(
will try to make later on again :)
thanks @nathanmars for your big support and for Link777 :)

I appreciate your efforts to create a Twitter account.

Keep trying and never give up!!!

Happy 2019 to your and your wonderful family :)

will do :)

In fact I was very excited, for a new announcement. But today's detailed explanation Core Values ​​liked it quite well. The truth is quite effective for our Journey to succeed.

Thank you so much for your compliments and wishing happy 2019 my friend:)


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

finally I understand with this program, thank you, my brother @nathanmars, I have one question, is this projec supported directly by dtube?

I’m glad to hear you understand the project!

This project will be supported by Dtube and also by many other dapps.

I hope I’ve answered your question brother, if I haven’t please do let me know

Thank you, brother, happy new year

@nathanmars, Baby steps are bringing more clarity because direct jumps can leave important aspects behind and with baby steps we can collect and take up all the elements which we face in this Economy through experience of day by day. Stay blessed brother. 🙂

Wishing you and your family an blessed year of 2019 brother. 🙂


Yes baby steps all the way!!

It’s important to let everyone know where we’re going and why we’re going to this destination. In other words baby steps with clear vision.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful 2019 :)

Talk to you soon bro!

Absolutely true words. Baby steps with clear vision.

Thank you so much for your wishes brother. Have a blessed time ahead. 🙂

Sir , really this video cleared my all doubts as you said😊. I hope definitely we will find our 77 angel investors soon :). Thank you sir for putting your efforts for explaining the video really sir you are a True entrepreneur and really you have entrepreneur skills :). We are really blessed to have a leader Like you who's taking us in the right direction and right track :). Thanks a lot sir :)

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Angel investors are always looking for driven entrepreneurs and great projects to fund.

Also the steem community members are always looking for great projects for crowdfund.

LinkSeven77 will show case all the good entrepreneurs, passion people, thriving communities, valuable projects to the world.

Thanks buddy for your continuous support and I truly appreciate it.

Talk to you soon:)

Yes sir, I definitely agreed with your points 😊😊. Thanks to you too for your lovely compliment sir :), trying my best to do😊
Yes sir, I will be waiting for it :)

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Hoping for the best and i can see your vision and goal clearly. i am happy to see that the project is coming together nicely and clear more than before. But i want to clarify myself by asking a question. Videos which are more than 3 mins plus random lifestyle vlogs, are they called Znapp?? or Znap+ .. Little bit confuse... Wish you all the best for your project and looking forward for upcoming steps...

I’m glad to hear that my vision is little more clear now!

As per now, we’ll be focusing on building networks within all the different communities and all the members of FamilySeven77 while simultaneously focusing on supporting and encouraging ideas and projects of FamilySeven77 members. Because this reason, in terms of content there is only one content that supported by LinkSeven77 project is Znap and also #Zap comments on the Znap contents for now.

So there is no Znapp/Znap+ at the moment in time. However please go ahead and create unlimited content here on Dtube by using tags that you feel appropriate.

I hope I’ve answered your question. Please let me know if I haven’t.

Talk to you soon and wishing you a wonderful 2019 :)

This is the effective description to understand whole construction of a link777.A little bit of the doubt, it has been cleared. Apart from this, I have read the post of @blind-spot,in which he described it in very simple words. I am feeling very excited.A tremendous announcing at the beginning of the new year.
Having your support, there is a wave of excitement in the mind. I will continue my work with new energy.
Thank you @nathanmars sir for your encouraging support.

I truly appreciate your continuous contribution and also appreciate @blind-spot efforts!

Super super excited for everyone!!!

Keep up the good work brother:)

@certain I am humbled to have helped you, and thank you for giving me your time. I am planning to post more simplified and detailed explanation on everything about the projects, keep an eye out for those, too!
More than happy to help!

I appreciate your help brother:)

Happy 2019 to you and your loved ones !!

Now, this is perfect detail of understanding about familyyseven777 family77 and project77. And another main thing which you mention here that is today you stop your previous initiate like dtubesnap dtubesnapplus etc. Its look big picture now. :)

Thanks for your positive feedback!

All my previous initiatives are now iterated and also the older condition to be part of DtubeFamily777 is also lifted.

Looking forward to talking with you soon!!

Happy 2019 :)

:) Welcome. We are really happy to have you on steemit and good luck bro.

I really understand Nathan, this is a very perfect notification, together with us we will continue to be excited in 2019.

I’m glad to hear that you understand!

Let’s get ready for 2019 :)

Yes, I'm active posting 2019 on dtube.

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Great things are developing! It will be so much fun to be part of the adventure!

Yes great things are developing because we’ve great people like yourself coming together to push our Blockchain forward!!

Truly appreciate your continuous contributions!

Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful 2019 :)

Crystal clear, been wondering in attempts to get a guideline to the link777 and for sure the patience has paid out.

There's a bigger picture now.

Thanks a lot buddy!!

Patience and hard work always pay off:)

Happy 2019 :)

Thanks for sharing bro... Long live linkseven77... I totally understand your initiatives... Blessings.


Thanks a lot bro and always appreciate your encouraging words!!

Have a wonderful 2019 :)

I appreciate your goal and project @nathanmars is freedom to express our feelings, thoughts as well is putting our question, through znap video.
Hopefully I'm looking this year 2019 to be part of dtubefamily777.
Thank you and wishing you happy new year.

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Your effort to bind everyone in one community is very commendable. There are equal opportunities for everyone in your project. Sorry to not be a member of your family, but I am not discouraged. Hopefully I can prove myself better in the new year and I will try to make a better contribution to the family. Happy New Year @nathanmars sir

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Thank you so much for your encouraging words and I appreciate it so much.

Once you’ve 100 SP in your account then please let me know I’ll be happily add you to our family.

Having skin in our Blockchain is a must with FamilySeven77 members.

Please check out @jongolson ‘s #RoadTo100SP intimate!

Happy 2019 to you and your loved ones:)

Hello! Now it is a little more clear. More and more people will use the twitter. Thank you and we are waiting for new ideas.🙏


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I’m glad the vision of LinkSeven77 is more clear and we’ll make sure that it gets even more simpler and clear with baby step one !

The Baby Step one will be fully announced soon...

Wishing you a happy 2019 to you and your loved ones:)

Your approach is high @nathanmars, I wish will be a member of your community but an actifitter only.

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I appreciate your encouragement!

Please note LinkSeven77 is designed to bring all the passionate people and projects together to allow collaborate without middleman. We also focus bring all the communities together while bringing much needed investment to individual communities and the quality projects.

So basically you can be still be part of our FamilySeven77.

Please let me know if you’ve any questions.

Telegram nathanmars7
WhatsApp +447901003594
Twitter nathanmars7
Discord nathanmars#2708

This will be an exciting start to 2019 for the ecosystem with this initiative moving forward! Thanks for your efforts!


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2019 will be exciting year for all the STEEMians and Dtubers !!

Always appreciate your continuous encouragement!

Happy 2019 :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Fully understood. Thank you for your passion that is growing this community in HUGE WAY. Looking forward to what the New Year will bring! Blessings to you and the fam in 2019 and beyond !

Posted using Partiko iOS

I’m so glad to hear that you’ve fully understood the vision of LinkSeven77!

Wishing a wonderful 2019 for you and your loved ones!

Talk to you soon bro!

Posted using Partiko iOS

We are all very handsome and have taken an important project, we all know and your project is an important one that will work on our platform and will be much more enjoyable.

And certainly thank you so much to present us so beautiful new projects that we can improve and we can earn more from this first and learn a lot.

And more to say you are many happy new year Happy New Year My Dear Brother

Thank you so much brother and I wish you a wonderful happy new Year 🥳

Thank you very much for your wishes brother

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@nathanmars i also interest this site (dtube) for create videos. i also try to seen your videos and also try to seen this videos,like your resteem . i also inspired and interest to work this platform. actually this time it's difficult for me cause my personal issues but hopefully recently i also active this site. #zap

I’m happy to see you interested in creating vlogs with Dtube!

I hope you’ve sorted out your personal issues and looking forward to be part of your journey here on Dtube and Steem :)

Happy 2019 :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

thanks to for your feedback. anyway happy new year. #zap

I'm new at steemit. I do not have 100 sp. Then I'll buy 100 sp. If I am 100spot in my wallet, I can join dtubefamily777. @nathanmars

Welcome to our Blockchain:)

Once you’ve 100 SP in your account then please let me know I’ll be happily add you to our family.

Having skin in our Blockchain is a must with FamilySeven77 members.

Please check out @jongolson ‘s #RoadTo100SP intimate!

Happy 2019 to you and your loved ones:)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Looks amazing! Cut clean and fresh and perfectly presented, ready for more 8D


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Thank you so much buddy!!!

Excited for everyone:)

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At first I apologize to you because I could not upload the video due to internet problems and could not comment. From today on the internet problem has been solved and I have become more active since now. Anyway, I'm very excited to see the list of Family 77 . I hope we can see tha list very soon. I always try to obey all your rules. Your rules are really good. I have shared all my videos on Twitter for a few days. Thank you for bringing new rules among us.


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Thank you so much for your continuous support brother.

There are no rules here but all of them are just guidelines..

Happy 2019 and I'll talk to you soon :)

through this comment, I want to wish you a happy new year, good luck always for you

Thanks brother !!

I also wish you a very happy new year :)

Happy New Year @nathanmars more Joy, happiness, unity, progress, Love, success and successful outcome throughout this New Year.

This is greetings from @matthewthonyit from Kwara state. Nigeria 🇳🇬🇳🇬🇳🇬🇳🇬.


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Thanks a lot bro!

I wish you a wonderful year to you and your loved ones :)

Talk to you soon !!!

Happy New Year Brother @nathanmars... You are a True Blessings to so Many and Your Spirit Shines Bright Brother. Thank You for all of Your Amazing Love and Support for myself and every one here on the @dtube and @steemit Platforms!!! May You and Your Family Always be Blessed and Live in the Abundance of Love... Have a Happy and Prosperous New year!! #zap

Thank you so much brother @jeronimorubio!

As always you bring your loving energy to everyone here on Dtube and STEEM blockchain!

2019 will be the year that I'm gonna meet you in person :)

Thank You So Much Brother @nathanmars. I truly appreciate you. You bring Hope and Love to everyone here on these Amazing Platforms. Thank you for all you do. I Look Forward to meeting You Brother. That will be a Great Day and an Honor indeed. May You Continue to be Surrounded by Blessings Always. #zap

I am starting to get a better understanding of the plan now. I like to see how it grows and evolves. I think 2019 will be your year to really bring this together.

2019 will be OUR year and STEEM's year :)

Greetings, great Nathan

I always do that. In my dtube videos I share on facebook and twitter. Yesterday I did one and I shared on twitter marking you and other accounts linked to steemit ... That gives more publicity to us !!

Thank you and good evening!

Thank you so much for promoting our Blockchain on Twitter and Facebook!!

Wishing you a happy 2019 :)

Hello @nathanmars , im sorry for not fully contributing but im trying what is possible for me.

Im thankful for your efforts for giving equal chance to everyone for growing.
Always appreciate the steps taken by you.

Thank you.


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Please don’t be sorry and I can completely understand your situation and what I like about you the most is that your honesty.

Always appreciate your encouraging feedbacks!

I wish you and your family a wonderful 2019 :)

Thats much to me,,

Wish you too a Wonderful and peacful 2019 .

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Well this sure will clear many users confusion and a nice way to show project within few minutes.

All the very best to all of us : )

I’m so sorry for confused everyone and finally I could make things clear and still a long way to with LinkSeven77 and let’s start 2019 with new challenges:)

Talk to you soon buddy!

You are doing your best buddy !! Just keep on going and we are with you : )

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

That puts things into perspective and clears it up. Much more simplified now and it sounds like something worth spending time on. I will contact you about it soon.


Sorry for confusing you with my previous posts and journey of a thousand miles starts with single step!

Looking forward to talking with you buddy!!!

Happy 2019 from Japan 🇯🇵 to Costa Rica 🇨🇷

Happy new year bro!!

Thank you so much And I wish you a happy 2019 to you and your loved ones:)

Looking forward to your Znap7 :)

If you've any questions regarding anything then please contact me directly.

My contact details
Telegram nathanmars7
WhatsApp +447901003594
Twitter nathanmars7
Discord @nathanmars#2708

Thanks for the motivation and value you are bringing tk the block chain. I am very excited for 2019 for many reasons and this is one of them. Blessing and respect 👍

I truly appreciate your encouragement and let’s do this and make 2019 our YEAR :)

Talk to you soon buddy

Your vision and moves reminds me of terry boy. Am more than impressed with all this. I've made comment on various dtube videos with the #zap thing and many content is always coming up everyday.
To me, that's a milestone forward. Publicising it through twitter will also give it more publicity. Genius.

One thing I wanna add, there should be a video on How To Do this and that. Life Hacks, Tricks Around Our Gadgets. And so on, it brings the dtube more leverage over YouTube.

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I appreciate your encouraging feedbacks my friend!!

Yes we’ll work together to bring more leverage to Dtube over YouTube.

Happy 2019 :)

Thank you for the information .


You’re most welcome 🙏

@nathanmars, Sorry for late response of mine. Now I understood better what you said about these project. I'm glad now coz I completed some of parts there. And I hope another fellow Dtubers will do their job very soon for make revolution. Thanks.


Thank you so much for your continuous support and next LinkSeven77 update will be on the 7th January:)

Talk to you soon bro!

great stuff @nathanmars, thanks for the update

I published my STEEM business plan a few days back, I hope you will consider it for #project77

exciting times ahead, Happy new year

@theexcelclub is now part of project77!

Happy new year to you and your loved ones :)

Talk to you soon!!

yepeee, thats fantastic news, thank you @nathanmars, and todays it my birthday so thats a really nice bonus

Have a wonderful birthday celebrations 🎉

Hello Dear Nathan,
Just stopping in to see the new peramiters and say I acknowledged the updates. Nicely written, said and done. Blessings for an amazing new year! 🙏🏽

Thank you so much 😊

Please note that my next update on the 7th January and it’ll be from my new account @nathanmars7

That was definitely well detailing, I love pictoral representation really and it seems like having understanding with your diagrams however I don't know if it's okay to ask a few questions here really, and one of the question is that the 77 project, does include only DAPP projects intitatives alone, or also individualistic protects like the one I run muse with dtube and @chierrock's yourpoetry imitative? Do they include or is it just new individualistic ideas for decentralised application project by singular members of the link 7?

Thank you for positive feedback my friend!

Project77 can be from any project that is basically an idea to dApp.

So yes both of your projects/initiatives will be added to Project77 list.

Hope I’ve answered your questions and please let me know if I didn’t

Yes, @nathanmars basically it did, I understand perfectly now and I'm glad you've ended dtubesnapq and all other snap related concept of yours this really helps people a lot I reckon to look beyond that narrative, making them concentrate as we move further ahead into the realisation of link 7, thank you for the brilliant response and happy new year

I can't hide the feelings of being excited to upcoming Link777brother,i truely appreciate everything you did and it will be going to be more successful to the blockchain soon.

Now i am back to business and making more engaging and colaboration to dtube community..Sorry if i am being busy for almost whole month of december due to Church preparation and lots of practices..

but the most important now that i'm back to the business and i'm excited to talk more to our dtube community..

Have a wonderful day and God Bless!

This is a nicely explained in detail. I was excited for this announcement since few days when you notified about it. Though few things are still on the way should be in unfolded soon but till here I understood about your vision and looking forward to see more and work together.
Have a wonderful and successful year 2019 @nathanmars

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Thank you for posting these values and clarifications! I like the baby steps approach as it gives time for questions and feedback.

I hope that you and yours have a fantastic 2019! 🤗

Congratulations @nathanmars!
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Happy New Year @nathanmars more Joy, happiness, unity, progress, Love, success and successful outcome throughout this New Year.

This is greetings from @matthewthonyit from Kwara state. Nigeria 🇳🇬🇳🇬🇳🇬🇳🇬.


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