Thanks a Million for my fellow Steem Citizens and today I’m celebrating my own Failures

in dtube •  6 years ago 



I’ll be posting unknown project 777 update #5 soon!

Once again I take full responsibility and accountability for my own failures and I truly appreciate each and everyone for being part of my journey!

Wish me luck with impacting billions of people’s life positively and becoming a billionaire and all the people who’re part of journey will be remembered forever

Keep on STEEM ing and don’t forget to enjoy your journey with our Blockchain.

▶️ DTube
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Nothing ventured nothing gained. We all gained a lot from you efforts, you have helped many people and you have created great community mindset. Your efforts to promote steem to the world are an example to how it should be done. For steem, this is all a success. I wish you all the luck in the world with your new venture and i look forward to you letting us know what it is. A billionaire ya 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑 nice target

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How do you define failure?
You were rewarding people for their interactions and building up people and a community. There are DTubers who know of each other simply because of your actions.

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I dont think a lot of those are failures but i see where you are coming from. Perhaps things were a little bit complicated because we havent attracted a wide enough audience yet. It makes sense to simplify everything and focus a lot on twitter since most people dont know about steem or only have negative ideas about it. I think people here were too inward looking and forgot the billions of people outside our blockchain that could be valuable to is. Since they cant give us upvotes, we unfortunately didnt pay enough attention to them.

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Oh Man! You Shoulf take DTube SnapQ Out of the failed list, it is by far one of my fave go to content on days I run out of ideas. It's been very helpful in keeping up witb content creation, I certainly don't consider it a fail as I always get feedback when I do it.

I Don't think they are really failures, just part of the journey, just as life is.

I'll try to keep up with the incoming projects, Keep on Challenging, Keep on Steeming💜💛👌✔💯💯💯

Me too. Loving DtubeSnap. It is by far the greatest motivation for me to do videos... So not a failure at all @nathanmars I agree with @elsiekjay :)

I See You Mama!🙃😘 Here's to More DTube SnapQ🎉🎉🍾🍾🍸

None of these are failures in my eyes. Just a road to creating better and better ideas, filling your experience with what you need to succeed!

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Really nice 👍 wish you all the best @nathanmars

Why are you celebrating your failure? In my opinion, you have successfully influenced other people with your positive ideas and inspired others.

Hey Nathan keep moving forward my friend! I appreciate your willingness to try from all angles in order to get it right, and feel confident that you will succeed in the long term, although the form of it may shift and evolve into something that looks very different. I know you have the best interests of the blockchain at heart. Blessings.

It's obviously gonna be very difficult to accomplish maximum success without having glitches along the line, we're in a period, where you'll even question yourself, it's normal for great entrepreneurs or people who became great entrepreneurs if you ask me, we've certainly followed you because you're human, and celebrating failure is the first step to realising way to massive or futuristic success, sometimes you'd fail, I'd fail we'd all fail but that's life, looking forward to big things to come, cheers @nathanmars

That's the mindset! I am curious about your next project!

Hey bro you are really humble accepting this reality and your own failures in your path. In my opinion that wasn’t failures, just the probe that we are all humans and that we can make things in a difficult way sometimes more difficult than necesary. This is also to our daily life we complicate things and reality so much sometimes.

Please tell us in what proyect are you working, I am so curious now. I miss you bro here in Dtube. This platform is not the same without you being present. Really.

Thanks again bro @nathanmars and continue working in your plans and dreams I am sure that it is for the good of all us.

Nathan many of the things listed I did not see as failures.. I had thought the were works in progress. Are we no longer doing the family 777 thing? It says failed beside it. What about the CV's we had created? I am a tad confused now.

You had an idea... you had many ideas
You tried to execute them
You were open to feedback
You welcomed constructive criticism and tried to adjust them on your journey
Your idea isn't a small idea, it is a big one, and with that will come its fair share of hurdles... and there will be more
I am sure you have something brewing and this time, you will take your failuresexperience and have something that you will be proud of

By the way, look at the Twitter hustle...
That's "You". You made that happen :)

One of my favourite quotes :

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt

That's for you... that's you :)

In all my farming career which has spanned few year, I've learned better through failures than success.

It got to a time it was once said in farmers meeting that if you have not failed that means you haven't done anything at all.

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This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all you need to know about the State of Steem.

No failures. ZJust a few pit stops along the way to Success. Keep it going forward my Brother Nathan :)

why the failure must be celebrated, just keep on getting excited, friend

Interestingly a lot of those “fails” still going on strong!
No failure bro just evolution :)

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We are always with you brother :)
if you call this these are your failures then i agree with @dmilliz it's our project evolution , and we try harder day by day with you as much as everyone could to develop 777 project beside taking steem to the moon :)

You didn't fail Nathan, you show us way to grow.
Congrats for your efforts

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my professor @nathanmars.
Strong - idea : "failure is a delayed success"
We haven't been failed , we just started.

I really understand Steem situation now my friend .

Don't stop in a project , triet something new.
In essence @nathanmars , what we have sacrificed we must achieve maximum results in the future.



Link promosi on twitter

Not failures just opportunities to learn. Keep up the great work, my friend

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Dear brother! The project, which has hundreds of people in existence today, have come to know each other, how can things related to that project fail? Today even with your project hundreds more people are connected, which is a strong community In cooperation with each other, how can the project be unsuccessful? Yes change has happened. With time it has improved in its format. Today, all this work together as a premium777. In your innovation Steem promotion through Twitter campaign and trashman-go game people are still walking with you on the shoulders.

The failures got you where you are today. Appreciate them, learn from them and move forward. Giving up is the only failure :)

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I don't know. But I don't see failure. Only see revolution. 😊 And growth. And process. Like how we make acrylic art. Layer over layer before the last outcome.

No pain, no gain. I didn't see failures but on-going learning opportunities. I am certain that everyone who got involved have gained from all of your efforts and attempts. And I believe that is already huge for Steem!

Good luck on your next venture. I am sure many of us will be waiting for your next update. Cheers to the billionaire target!

great thinking, true entrepreneurs never fail!
so congratulations for your current celebrating.

In all the pop101 literature about success, they quote 7 or 8 failures as how many 'tries' one needs to have 1 'success'

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I feel you, I am in the same boat and the boat has a leak in it

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Nathan, no such things as failure as they too are stepping stones to achieving goals and objectives. Know that you have the support of the community behind you. I continue to be inspired by your selfless acts and what they mean for the ecosystem! Look forward to seeing the evolution and execution of your ideas!

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What should I say on this now🤔

To be honest for me everything that you mentioned as your failure here is the things which builded me, I mean they teaches me alot things they teaches me how to communicate with people, they makes me strong too they make me capable to come infront of the world and let the world knows my opinion. I started my Dtube journey with your projects, I got my bit of success on Dtube through your projects, Your projects like dtubesnapplus, dtubesnapq motivated me everytime to give my best contents to the audience. I even don't know what to give my audience, all I learned is from your project 😊.

Yeah it can be failure for you but for me each & every project of yours is a huge success :).

I don't how much will gonna say this but TBH your projects gives me real earnings in the amount of Sps, Sbd and the main thing it taught me how to make connections with others

Cheers :)

I do not consider many of these are failures. It takes time to build things.

It's better to try something than thinking what could have happened IF you have tried it.
I don't see your efforts as failure bro,I have connected so many people through link777 and your ideas helped me push my creativity so thank you Nathan.

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I'm feeling inspire by seeing all the efforts and upside downs you've faced before, this shows how things need a true commitment to reach the goals. Thanks for sharing <3

Going through hard times makes it worthy to achieve the desire and make the dream come to reality. While along the way you have made so many achievements (So many friends/brothers/sisters (many more) and those relations are indeed worth all the time) which I probably think are more in numbers than those failures. While the more we stumble upon hard rocks the more we get to learn.

Cheers buddy just keep on going.

First thing I thought when I saw your post was no no no, it was not a failure! You have inspired much, taken initiative that noone has, and you have the means and power to make it happen! You have lots of ideas, and drive!! I hope you can continue to go forward and not give up hope! We will one day get there and other people will see and regret they did not come sooner!!! We can make this steem blockchain more easier to access and with better technology and speeds it will help. We just need to be patient and keep going!! Steem on my brother!