in dtube •  5 years ago 

There has been this hot debate about Africans and Black Americans, how they dont get along and why. I share my thoughts on this issue in this video.

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I have to admit that I wasn't expecting what you said. I'm surprised that they might come across that way for you. I wonder if it's down to them wanting to feel a connection, if they don't feel like they are fully connected in America, they may want to reach out for the African connection, but it's such a big continent, they may have no idea which culture they connect with there. I know some are doing genetic testing to try and find out which country their ancestors came from.

When I was a child, the only information I got from Africa was on the news and it was about the Ethiopia famines. So my image of Africa was of destitute, starving people with makeshift shelters in the desert. Also, because Africans are usually referred to only as Africans, rather than by their country, many people are under the impression that it is one country.

Now we have the internet, we should be more enlightened, because we can speak directly to people almost anywhere in the world and I love that we can compare the differences and the similarities between our cultures and the way we live.

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Thanks for stopping by Clara. It has been a minute.

I think for most what we have in common is skin color. Which is sad. Some years back an artist from Nigeria complained about Africans receiving their awards at the backstage. This is an all-black award (BETaward). There seems to be a disconnect due to many years of inaccurate information propagated about African. However, I feel we Africans take time to understand and appreciate their culture. The least they can do reciprocate.

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They are way more american than african. Their culture is more influenced by the Carribean countries. They do call africa the “motherland” but dont know anything about it.

Countries within Africa are quite different culturally, arent they? You Nigerians tend to work like crazy and highly value education compared to other black people.

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Countries within Africa are quite different culturally, aren't they?

Yea. I don't like the term 'Africa' or 'African' because it simplifies a very diverse continent/people.

You Nigerians tend to work like crazy and highly value education compared to other black people.

The lack of everything keeps you on your toes because you're radical fighting for very scarce opportunities. We Nigerians are naturally competitive. We all want to get ahead and that drive can become something negative most times.

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You recently graduated right? Anything promising in the works?

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Not really. Well, I finished with a second-class lower which kind of limits my chances. Plus there are not many jobs here.

So if I want to get something decent job I need to get my masters. I would have to go for a postgraduate course. Also within that period get a professional certificate in insurance, coupled would the four years experience my employers would most likely ask for. Before all these said thing i will need to go for youth corp sever, which is scheduled for July or November.

I'm thinking entrepreneurship. Start and build a business. Thinking towards transport and real estate. Would need a lot of capital but I am willing to start small. I'm still working on my plan. Hopefully, by next year, I will start something. Will also pursue a career as an insurer but whilst I do that I need to keep body and soul together.

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What about teaching english online? There are sites like VIPKids and iTalki that you can work for. Im actually planning to the same as i move to taiwan.

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Haven't heard about them. Will check them out to see if suit me. Thank you

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