Fun Supporting Clean Planet

in dtube •  5 years ago  (edited)


Well it was Thursday which means Trash Thursday. Yep cleaning Mother Nature and supporting @cleanplanet. As usual it never fails on a Thursday - cold and wet !!!

Here is the video embedded :) so you can watch right in the page :D

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You and Ben crack me up. But the good thing is you have fun together. That's so important. I enjoy your forays out to the trash pickup areas. And FORTY CENTS! Dude, you've inspired me, cause I need to buy a new whatsamahoozit for that one thing.
I used to pick up trash for my woods job. YIKES, it was nasty. You seem to have some pretty innocuous stuff. The large bags of disposable diapers were some of the worst. They kind of morph into some sort of alien thing after a few months out and about. Double yikes. So nice you are doing this, to help with the planetary dynamics. Good job, and every week too. Have a good day my friend.

Yeah at the other park I find a lot of pet baggies, so to speak. Its like if you are going to go thru the work involved in putting the stuff into a plastic bag, then why in the world do they feel the need to check said bag into the brush. I think it is better off at that point to forget the bag, check the stuff into said brush and let nature do its thing. If they are going to bag it, take the stuff on the way out lol.

Ha haa, (large laugh of disgust), I agree. Makes no sense. I see it along the river all the time. Like you said, the putting it IN there is the worst part. I liken it to carrying a six pack of beer into a campsite, heavy and bulky, then leaving the cans when you leave...when they're light and crunchable. I have a word or two for these folks, but probably should refrain on the site here. Keep up the good works.

Oh my gosh! Grab that 10 Center! How lucky can you get? Grabbing another $0.10 on the way to cash out. I am totally jealous! $0.40 may even be enough to get people moving. Over time oh, you could be a rich.. Just try to Parlay that into a little bit of Bitcoin.

All kidding aside, It's a Wonderful service that do you do Mother Earth. The universe thinks you and if more people took clean Planet a little more seriously, what a wonderful world we live in. Thank you and thank Ben for initiated and to inlay trash Thursday challenge. Of course, you're splitting equally with him because he is out there every week with you. Are you listening to this Ben? You've got to squeeze the old man a little tighter so that his quarters will fall out.

As always, have a wonderful weekend!


Yeah here 4 cans equals 1 steem lol. Well I just fronted half of the 400mm so that should cover a video or three lol.

Noooo! He should be editing for that much money! LOL I need to work for you. I hear you pay well.

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