We Could Never Run for President, Peanut Butter Podcast Episode 19 (PG-13, Viewer Disgression Advised)

in dtube •  6 years ago 

Warning, we swear some and talk about some mature topics in this episode, like Sylvester Stallone's pornographic origins. This is all done in the moment, and those moments called for some more mature themes.

Happy Easter, I had a good break and so I bring on Bioshock Infinite WD to talk about, primarily videogames. It's not all videogames (I mean we do talk about Tom Green and he doesn't have gaming things), but we are gamers and so we talk about how gaming in general is becoming worse. And I tease my 10 year anniversary video. I can only tease right now, because I don't know what I'm actually doing.

Get AC Unity for free while you can: https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/assassins-creed-unity/

Check out Bio's work here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvrd6VtgWF7CwaZH1S0N-Qg

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