YouTube TERMINATES Channel That Exposed Nathan Phillips’ STOLEN VALOR!

in dtube •  6 years ago 

Remember that Covington Catholic school boys vs Native Elder Nathan Phillips debacle that got way out of hand not long ago? You know, when Phillips set off a media firestorm after he claimed in multiple interviews that the boys had formed a "mob" around him and mocked him as he was peacefully marching?… The same Phillips who claimed to be a Vietnam war veteran but was later exposed as a phoney posing with stolen valor?! Well, the man who exposed Phillips and found the truth about his veteran status has just had his channel terminated by YouTube. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth goes over the latest news regarding the Covington Catholic School Boys and their case against Nathan Phillips and how those who bring us the truth are now the targets and in the crosshairs for elimination by Youtube/Google and their parent company Alphabet Inc.

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Great work...definitley migrating to new decentralized spaces.

Dissenter of GAB will make liberals head spin.

Great work...definitley migrating to new decentralized spaces.

Dissenter of GAB will make liberals head spin.

Youtube just doesn't understand what is what these days. They claim they do not allow conspiracy theories, hoax videos, yet when there are many hoaxes where the media covers it as true there are no consequences for them. These "rules for thy but not for others" mentality has got to change in the tech industry if not they are going to see more and more of their user base migrate to censor free sites.

Stolen valor ain’t no joke. I hate people who do that shit

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for covering this story...I've followed Don for many years and he is a highly respected former Navy father and grandfather are vets and it totally stunned me when i found out how much stolen valor there is in this country...he has access to military records and did find that this Nathan Phillips is a fraud....i hope he is able to get his account back...this is truly disgusting...i was a life long Democrat for over 40 years, but after what I've seen over the last 2 years, I've become sick at my stomach...we no longer have a Democracy right is highly censored and the main stream media is a joke

They are trying to ban the truth, Hitler burn books. Trump, May and Zukerburgs rules them are banning the videos. Lets hope people wake up and leave this bull shit website 💯🐒

You guys should interview Ned Scott @ned on Steem about how the Steem blockchain can be an alternative to YouTube and Facebook platforms

Nathan Phillips is a trash human being.

Man... I really hope DTube takes off. The fact you can upload artistic videos and not get copyright-striked is AMAZING.

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