Da Vinci's Portraits, Paintings & Drawings Vol. 1 (Android App)

in dtube •  7 years ago 


An interactive book version of Leonardo da Vinci's paintings, portraits & drawings.

The portraits, paintings & drawings included within this app are listed below...


Portrait of a Man in Red Chalk
Possible Self-Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci
Purported Early Self-Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci


The Baptism of Christ Oil on Panel
Annunciation Oil on Panel
Ginevra de' Benci Oil on Panel
Benois Madonna Oil on Canvas
Madonna of the Carnation Oil on Panel
Saint Jerome Oil and Tempera on Panel
The Adoration of the Magi Oil on Panel
Virgin of the Rocks Oil on Canvas
Lady With an Ermine Oil on Panel
Madonna Litta Tempera and Oil on Panel
Portrait of a Musician
The Last Supper Tempera on Gesso
Virgin of the Rocks Oil on Poplar Wood
The Virgin and Child with St. Anne and St. John the Baptist
Mona Lisa
The Virgin and Child with St. Anne
La Scapigliata
John the Baptist

DRAWINGS (Studies for Artworks)

Study for the Head of Jesus in The Last Supper
Study of Arms and Hands
Study of Drapery
Head of Saint Anne
Perspective Study for the Adoration of the Magi
The Battle of Anghiari I
The Battle of Anghiari II
Study for the Head of Leda
Study for the Kneeling Leda
Portrait of Isabella d'Este
Study of an Equestrian Monument
Unnamed Drawing
Study of an Apostle for the Last Supper
Study for the Sforza Monument

DRAWINGS (Studies for People and Costumes)

A Grotesque Head
Grotesque Profile
Grotesque Heads
Ill-Matched Couple
Portrait of Salai
Masquerader in the Guise of a Prisoner
Salaino in Fancy Dress
Detail from a Study of a Dragon Costume

DRAWINGS (Studies for Anatomy)

Anatomy of a Male Nude
Vitruvian Man
Uomo Vitruviano
Anatomy of the Neck
Studies of the Arm Showing the Movements Made By the Biceps
Proportions of the Head
View of a Skull I
View of a Skull II
View of a Skull III
Coition of a Hemisected Man and Woman
The Principle Organs and Vascular and Urino-Genital Systems of a Woman
Studies of Embryos
Views of a Foetus in the Womb
Unnamed Drawing
The Anatomy of a Bear's Foot
The Uterus of a Gravid Cow
Study of Horse

DRAWINGS (Studies for Nature)

Study of a Tuscan Landscape
Study of Lilies
Ornithogalum (Star of Bethlehem)
A Topographical Map of a River Valley
An Explosion
Studies of Water Passing Obstacles and Falling

DRAWINGS (Studies for Machines)

The Flight of a Bird
Design for a Flying Machine I
Design for a Flying Machine II
Design for a Flying Machine III
Design for a Helicopter

DRAWINGS (Studies for Arms)

An Artillery Park
Design for a Cannon
Design for an Enormous Crossbow

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