Snook reads George and Mable's Story

in dtube •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Hi Everyone!

This is a story I did for a weekendfreewrite. You get 3 prompt's and have to make a story around those 3 prompts. The twist is that you have no idea what the next prompt will be until your done with the first one! It's always a fun and interesting Challenge to do!

When I went back to read this story it really didn't have an ending so I finished the story a few days ago and I'm very happy to say I love how it ended up.

I hope you enjoy it too!

Thank you for Reading, watching and commenting!

George and Mable

~part one

I put tulips under all the pillows, and then I set fire to the house.

It was what she would have wanted. She loved tulips more than anything on this earth. They reminded her of springs and new beginnings. She loved all the soft colors of tulips. Even if she had the darkest of days, when she came back from the garden after seeing the thousands of tulips she had planted over the years, she would have a smile on her face.

It was time to start moving on after the death of Mable.

This was the only way George could find to let go.

He needed to let go of all of her or his life would end also. He had things he had put on hold in his life. Things to finish before it was his time to sleep with Mable.

He took one last look at the house, wiped the last of the tears he promised he wouldn't shed, and turned and walked to his vehicle.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes after he was seated in the buggy.

His promise to not cry was going to be the hardest promise he ever kept.

~Part 2

I cheated on my spouse and it wasn't the first time............

Mable was, at the best of times, hard to live with. That didn't mean I didn't love her but...............sometimes ....................I needed the peace other women could give me.

There was no love for the other women, just quiet, peace and for a bit, it was just about me.

Mable had many bad days. Days, where it took all of George's will to not scream at the women he loved...............she was slowly losing her mind and there was nothing he could do about it but watch and pray that soon her suffering, and his, would be over.

When they met Mable was the happiest of girls, always a smile on her face and a laugh in her heart. Men and women would flock to be by her side just to bask in her happiness.

The saddest thing for Goerge was watching the women he loved deteriorate to...................... loonyville..........there was not a nice way of putting what happened to her. When she saw Tulips, once and a while, her old self would come back for a few moments of time.

~part 3

George sat in his chair doing the thing he does with the newspaper every day, glancing through it all for some sign that Mable was still alive.

Over the past years, as he was writing his novel, something he always wanted to do, he has felt signs of her. George knew it couldn't be. He buried her! he saw the coffin! It had had to be her that he buried. When she died the Coroner came and took her away. Told him she had passed.........


The tulips................that showed up at his door once a year on her birthday. The smell of tulips late at night when he was writing.............made him wonder if he was going crazy!

So every morning he would get the newspaper and look for any signs of Mable. Mable being Mable, when alive, could not be a wallflower if she tried. If she was alive she would show up somewhere and to George, the newspaper was the easiest way to start.

He then heard the door to the kitchen open...........the smell of tulips wafted in.......he glanced up and there she was, older but very sane. His Mable. His eyes got large, his breath shortened and he could not move.

Mable looked at him, smiled and said ...............

~Part 4

It's time George.

George slowly stood up, his knees making loud cracking sounds as he did. He had aged well but at age of 96, his body had started to wear. He moved slower and slower every day. On days, when it was cold outside, his body had all but stopped working. On those days he would wrap himself in blankets after tending the fire and spend the day with his hot water bottle and books quietly reading the day away.

On those days he missed his Mable the most. She could make any day a party and never stood for sadness in her house.

If she was still alive today, those cold days would have been filled with tea and laughter as they sat and made up stories about all the Villagers around them. Those days were long gone and now it was just him until now........

He looked Mable in the eye and said "Time for what, Dear?"

She replied" the party of course! go grab your cloak and let's Go! You don't want us to be late do you?"

George knew Mable hated being late. Old habits came rushing back. With Mable, it was always best to be over prepared then under! He sped as fast as he could to go grab his best cloak. Wrapping it around his shoulders tightly, to keep himself warm, he walked back to his Mable and held out his hand.

Mable wound her fingers in his and turned toward the door and started walking. George then asked where the party was being held and her reply was "At our home of course."

That afternoon The neighbors stopped over to check on George. They had been coming every afternoon for a while now to make sure he was okay. As they walked into his house they knew something was amiss. The house was cold. The fire must have burned out late in the afternoon.

They ran to the kitchen to start it back up and found George on the floor all wrapped up in his cloak. A smile on his face and his hand outstretched........He had finally found his Mable again and gone home to spend the rest of his after-life with her. His one true love.

The End. ~

Written by Snook

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I enjoyed the fuck out of this reading. I liked how your pronunciation and tonality quickly increased.
More of this!

Thank you!!! I'm so happy you enjoyed it!