The Steem Sister Show - Episode 71 // The Power of Saying No

in dtube •  6 years ago 

Welcome to the 71st episode of the Steem Sister Show!

Your hosts are @coruscate and @maryjaney. Two sisters bringing fun content to the Steem blockchain.

Topic of this Episode – The Power of Saying No

As two recovering people pleasers... learning how to say no and hold up our own boundaries has been a process for both of us! We had a lot of fun chatting all about this topic and we critique each other on how good we think the other person is at actually following through!

Here are the questions we answered this episode.

  • @d00k13 – Do you have a “go-to” transition phrase when telling people No?

  • @aussieninja – Is saying “maybe” kinder than saying “No”?

  • Do you find it easier or harder to say no to family vs. friends?

  • In what situations do you suck it up and do things you don’t want to do?

  • What is your thought process on when you say Yes vs. when you say No?

What is the Steem Sister Show All About?

We aim to bring more “non-crypto” related content to the Steem Blockchain. Although there is nothing wrong with this kind of content (@coruscate even posts on crypto related material sometimes) – we want to help create a better onboarding experience for new users. We talk a lot about attracting new users to the platform – but if the trending page is filled with crypto posts and flagging wars, they are likely to lose interest quickly.

We hope that by creating content that is more similar to what they are used to seeing on other social media sites – they will feel more excited about being here and creating content of their own!

How Does It Work?

We pick a different topic every episode, and then throw totally random questions about that topic in a hat and go back and forth. We always have a mix of our own questions and some audience questions. Our rule is that we cannot tell each other our answers before filming! So you guys are getting our raw, unfiltered reactions here.

Every episode we announce the next week’s topic so people can submit questions.

Want to win some Steem??

If we chose to answer your question in the next show… we will send you 2 Steem!

Next Week’s Topic: The Power of Saying Yes!

We thought it would be fun to flip this topic on it's head and discuss the power in saying YES to things now that we've spent an entire episode talking about how to say no. We can both point to so many cool things that have happened in our own lives just because we were willing to take a risk, buck our comfort zone, and say yes to life.

We are pretty jazzed to chat about this next week.

So send us your questions! If we choose to answer your question during that episode - we'll send you 2 steem.

That’s a Wrap!

We really hope you guys enjoyed this episode talking all about self worth, boundaries, and learning to say no.

With Love,

The Steem Sisters

@coruscate and @maryjaney



Here is a YouTube link for anyone who needs it.

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No! I will not get into your van!

actually I probably would 😎

Lol if those two pulled up in a van I’d be trying to give them some candy to invite me in 😅

Posted using Partiko iOS

You would totally get in the van. You know we don’t look as creepy as we made ourselves sound on the show. 🤣 🚘 🍭

Say Yes to #SSS!

Yeeesss!!! Always a good life choice! 😉

Woot woot I was first 😘 thanks girls you nailed that go-to answer, structure of the “thank no” = “thank you + arguements + affirmation” I pretty well always start by thanking someone for their input also just for the sake of neutralizing the situation.

Power of yes, I say just do it!
I am here on Steem because of yes!
#OneLoveDTube exists because of yes!

Have you ever said yes to something and only realized after you were already doing it the impact it will have? Such as starting a good habit and only realize the habit after seeing the results?

How most things work for me, walking blindly through life my inability to say no gets me into some interesting situations that typically I don’t recognize till I am already there but had I stopped to think of it I would have said yes to begin with knowing the positive impact on my life it would have.

Great show ladies 🤩

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks again for the awesome question for this episode! It definitely opened up some interesting conversation. Both Mary and I are on Steem because of the power of YES too! This will be fun to talk about!

Most welcome 🙏 curious to see what tangent you girls head off on this time 😅

PS your now apart of the #OneLoveDTube followed authors, love your show ladies 🤩 we are glad to support 💪

Posted using Partiko iOS

Aww thank you so much for the support!!! It means so much to us! Ps... sorry I’m just responding now! 🙈

No worries I do that also, scan back every so often and look for the missed ones 😅

Your most welcome, to say it frankly I am making the effort to support the alternative to our standard content that is engaging with the audience or creative in nature. I believe your show fits both and I’m a big fan 😎

Like you I’ve got a lot on my plate, Steemonboarding hey? How’s that going? Been meaning to look into it 🤔

Posted using Partiko iOS

So much energy! I love this!

We've got a lot of friends who are amazingly brutally honest, and, actually, my partner is super honest as well... and I'd much rather have an idea shot down than strung along. I've recently made a friend who is very excitable, very nice and thinks every idea is amazing... and it's weird, but I don't really trust her as much. I honestly don't know if she legitimately loves everything (she might) or if she's just people-pleasing. I do think saying "No" to things actually makes you more trustworthy.

Annnnnnnnnnndddddddddddddd that's why Savage Mary is my favourite Mary.

Obviously YES WE CAN Lea is my favourite Lea.

So, my question for next week is:

Should a ninja visit the SSS in the summer of 2019?

Oooh such a good point about being more trustworthy. I think you totally nailed it. Once I had a coworker who whenever talking about any TV show would go on and on about how it’s the -beeeeeest thing in the world. After a while, I totally stopped listening to his advice on shows!

And yeah savage Mary keeps me in check sometimes!!! Hahah

We are totes gonna answer your question tonight when we film this episode! ♥️

Take care of your sister well....The sun is on the right and the moon is in the north

i say yes, to this product: