in dtube •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi there!

So @raj808 told me that I should make a video where I show that I am a real person.. :D

Sounded funny AT FIRST , but I guess there's an isue here with fake profiles...

Now you know. I'm real and I create my own contet!

Have a nice day! :)

▶️ DTube
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That's an amazing intro mate. I know it seems a weird thing to have to do an intro post like this but it's unfortunately a reflection on the amount of dodgy types loitering around steemit taking other peoples work and trying to pass it off as their own. It's great to see that you're not one of them and as you say, a real boy lol.
I had to do the same thing when I started on steemit. For the first month I was posting my work, mainly poetry, fiction and creative narratives of my scuba diving trips. I was wondering all the while why I wasn't getting too many comments and few votes. Then someone suggested doing an intro post. I ended up posting one entitled 'better late than never'. After this I noticed more people checking out my work.

Your drone videos are really exceptional @syndicateframes and I'm sure they will get the recognition they deserve on steemit. I am following you now and will be looking forwards to your posts @syndicateframes. 🙂

Wow! Thank you so much! :)

That is really nice!

Have a great day! :)

ja gribi uztaisīt steem reklāmu un palaist pa feisīti tad nosponsorēšu, rādās tev labi sanāk

Feisītī laikam es negribu, bet ja ir iespēja Steemitā tad jā.

tur tā lieta ka Steemit nav reklāmu. ja grib pievikt cilvēkus, tad jāliek FB reklāma, īsti citu variantu nav. vai draugos. man ir iekāriens popularizēt to visu... nauda tagad arī ir

tur var Promote taisīt, nezinu cik tas darbojas, ir atsevišķa kategorija Promoted , bet es tur parasti nelienu. savādāk jātiek pie kāda vaļa , kas ielaikos, bet nu tur jau ir laba loģika tajā visā
