RE: "Death Sentence" for Food Production: Grand Solar Minimum

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"Death Sentence" for Food Production: Grand Solar Minimum

in dtube •  6 years ago 

It's just so freaking hard to know what to believe anymore...

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I definitely agree 100 on the food/water issues becoming more difficult in the coming years. Also I mayhave come off as dismissive towards the whole grand solar minimumthing, but I'm not, just was commenting on just how much info there is out there - often completely contradictory things too. I'm sure you've noticed. Regardless thanks for the reply, I may have to start being more precautious myself... seems like you're not the only one doing so. But theres equally a lot of people oblivious to it all... worst thing that could happen is you grow a green thumb for trying though so may as well. 🙂

At the very least it keeps my mind and body occupied as a 'house-husband' ;)

Plus, it gives me a warm feeling inside when I've managed to nurture something into life.

Much appreciate your reply to,
Robster :)