new decade, who diz! :)

in dtube •  5 years ago  (edited)

this post has music, press play at the bottom of this post to fully immerse yourself in the potential of a new decade.

No retreat, no surrender to the things you can’t change.
Back track away from the edge of the last decade and stand firm.
Resolve in yourself that your moving into a new decade.
Zero all judgements, don’t be hold back by the past energy.
Recalibrate your passion focus cannon on the future outcomes.
Scrub the 10 year slate clean, whatever went before is done.

This is your life, in your world, inside your own bubble if that suits you better than what you currently struggle with. It’s time to put everything on reset, put the things that bristle you on mute — start carving out time for you and yours and the loved ones around you. Everything else is a distraction.

You’re probably not ready or capable to deal with ‘reaction to distraction’ economies right now, you need to work on the core you, the one that others turn too, the ones that others look up to you for ideas, attention and compassion. You are still part of this overall planet, the only planet where all the people you have ever known currently live.

2020 vision.

Eyes wide open to all eventuality, it’s all here, it’s all open to us, the now is here and we are about to step over the threshold on to potentially unsteady ground, that’s ok, first contact with a new decade in which we are in it always comes with a few first steps of trepidation anyway, choose your destination and friend circle wisely, keep it moving.

Just like that we transitioned into a new decade, the 20-20 — how weird for us to have grown up in the end of the 70’s, 80s, 90’s, 00’s, 10’s and now the roaring fire planet on fire 20’s — we are literally living in the future, oh what it feels like to be a human in 2030, 2040, 2050’s to come, doesn’t that seem so darn futuristic?

I like to see a new year, especially a new decade as a blank slate, everything you tried in those ten years previous, look at yourself fully, your health, what you achieved, what went wrong, what brought you and others to where you are today — I’m guessing a lot of it was the fight for something more, something better, something more of how you expected your life to be — making parts of it were constricting, like you would never realise your fully potential and maybe you felt hurt, dark and alone.

Tomorrow is a brand new day, year but more than that, a decade, a blank slate for you to fully realise the life you always assumed you would have, you have the keys to the truck to just go, to drive, these crossroads, in front of you are the destination to the next chapter, all you need to do is put the gear into drive, reverse is not an option here - all forward gears only.

fresh eyes, open wide.

Never forget that you as a human being already won the universe lottery, out of all the things you could have become you got to be a human being, in the evolution of the food chain and this time in history you got to see it with your own eyes, each one of us is blessed to have experience this time.

At some point you have to decide to break your shell and expose the insides, we are not meant to be here just to exist but to live, to follow our hearts to share this planet with loved ones, if you’ve not found love or currently desire it, start today, go look for it, don’t wait, never wait for love to find you in anything you want to achieve — you won’t get it right, but you’ll love the experience of trying, every black hole goes somewhere right?

starting minimal again.

Throw away all that shit that holds you down, you don’t need to pay for storage, it’s just holding you back from going the way you want to go — why did you even think any of that stuff would give you enjoyment?

Stop being a tourist in your own life, going places because movement feels good is not the way to enjoy the journey, your just adding to a bigger global issue, help locally, know a community, add value, spread love, then move on, leave a trail of compassion not of climate.

Travel light, upgrade parts that break often, do like my grandad said, buy quality, research, cross reference, don’t trust, verify — everything. Food, partners, ideals, ethics, question them all, reduce and save, plant things that capture carbon, learn a new craft, dance when everyone is watching.

You don’t need an audience to get your 15 milliseconds of fame, you need fame to replace the hole that suggests that putting a lens on who you think you want to be will in some way repair the void that is your poorly constructed opinion of who you are currently — do everything that you fear.

take only the good stuff.

Allow your eyes to capture memories that will flash before your mind when you depart this plain but don’t focus on the cinema, build the carpark, construct the services, take part, don’t just rock up for the experience, park all misgivings and self made misconceptions that you carry, imagination can be a weapon against yourself that stops you even getting a ticket to the show.

If it feels like a shortcut don’t expect the journey to have more value when you arrive at the destination, maybe take the b-road to the b-roll over the full frame version — the sources of your discomfort originate in your clear expectation of the outcome, let it ride, let it write itself. You don’t have to be the architect of you hope, let the universe decide.

It’s ok to give yourself permission to go a different road less travelled in life, greed is not the answer, what’s the point of a castle at the top of a hill if you have built it on the foundations of broken carcasses of people that trusted you to be the person you curated yourself to be — discover your authentic true north, accept the things you can’t change, don’t fight your ego, you will always lose against a damaged brain.

temps are rising, build out more routes.

Whatever side of the coin you flip you’ll encounter something that has been effected by our collective consumption of the last hundreds/thousands of years. We are still evolving, we are the worlds biggest problematic virus but make no bones about it, Mother Nature will have her way with or without you.

You can choose to be part of the solution or watch it all burn, personally I think the planet is far to stunning to allow us to keep throwing shit at it, we need to adapt to it, get out there, have conversations, if you have more, give, if you have less, work for more, give away the extra.

Don’t get trapped, don’t conform to your programming, systems most evolve, you can be a conduit of that change if you choose too, it can be the smallest thing done from a place of passion or a fabricated expression of art only you feel you can communicate. Aim to reduce gloating, instead give thanks, spread love, lend a hand.

wishing you the best for the next decade.

I truly wish that you all achieve everything you want to do in this next year/decade, even if you look around and see the world burning, evil acts and human pain, try and realise that you are all part of the solution too. You are never alone and someone else somewhere on planet earth feels like you too, find those people, build on your shared beliefs.

Tomorrow will be a day to build, and they day after that a day to build again, your words and your actions will help others build on their dreams and effort to change our behaviours helps everyone around us, be that lighthouse in the dark at the end of the steep path, a place of solitude for a weary traveller after their last decade hike.

Personally, I’m gonna be switching a lot of the stuff I didn’t like out, replacing it with what I do like, finding light within the dark and I’ll keep on stepping in this plain and the next, grabbing at the starlight and the comet trails on a new adventure to another part of the galaxy! :)

Happy new Decade!
__humble x

p.s. .. tunes to watch the sun come up with tomorrow. ..

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