Global Economic Collapse Continues While the Canary In the Coal Mine May Have Just Died

in dtube •  6 years ago 

It’s important to look at the data for what it is. To not object. Simply append it to what you already know. Today we watch signal after signal triggering and the only thing holding this back from a collapse is the admission of reality. That won’t happen until much later so until then, party on.

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Truck drivers see orders, miles fall in latest U.S. slowdown signal - Reuters
US-Cass-freight-index-shipments-YOY-2019-03.png (505×396)

case shipments v. gdp.png (650×388)

Fed Seems Resigned to Bubble Risk in Effort to Extend Expansion - BNN Bloomberg
the-marriner-s-eccles-federal-reserve-building-stands-in-washington-d-c-u-s-photographer-andrew-harrer-bloomberg.png (620×349)

Argentines return to Europe to escape economic uncertainty
Deutsche considers ‘bad bank’ and funds merger with UBS - Financial News
Central Auckland house prices plummet, Real Estate Institute data shows |

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It's surprising we aren't hearing more banter about Quantative Easing (propping up the debt structures by printing fiat) with this down trend. Maybe it's because QE has become the backbone of the whole system and they'd rather not discuss it.