The Truth about the North Korean "Conflict" Rant

in dtube •  7 years ago 

Watch The Truth about the North Korean "Conflict" Rant video on DTube

The entire North Korean Conflict is completely staged, likely to drum up support for more military spending. The North Koreans are no threat to America whatsoever.

The United States has a massive military and has a vast array of missile defense systems that could easily knock out any North Korean Nuclear missile attack, or any North Korean satellite carrying a nuclear missile. Under NDAA 2017, the SDI II program was restarted, (and never actually ended), which means the USA has satellites with directed energy weapons on them likely capable of knocking out any ICBM missiles. Furthermore the US has a ton of patriot missile defense systems in that theater of operations. If North Korea shot every single Nuclear Missile they had at Seoul right now, they likely would not even get one through, and by the time it hit Seoul, North Korea would be a land of glass.

Also any military strategist can tell you, that on the Korean Peninsula with a mainly mechanized army, comprised heavy armored tanks, you would not invade during the summer months. The weight of the tanks would get bogged down in all the rice fields and marshes. However if you started the offensive in winter, this would not be an issue as the fields would be frozen and the tanks could drive right over them. So any rhetoric that North Korea is about to invade South Korea is ridiculous during these summer months.

The whole North Korea thing is either just fear porn to get you to be scared and want more military to deal with them. Or this is them programming the masses for a war with North Korea for their resources and to install a central bank. Either way this entire idea that North Korea is a "threat" to America is bullshit propaganda. North Korea can't even feed it's own citizens, the only threat they pose is to themselves.

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Jon Davis

"America" is as much an illusion as this conflict. Theres no point rationalising about the mistakes America is making in demonising North Korea when we all know the agenda has no nation and works through nations to achieve its goals. Theres only one war thats ever been waged, and we the common people are still completely oblivious to who our enemy really is.

This eased my anxiety. The darn media stirring up hype.

I admire your braveness @titusfrost ...following you and upvoted and will re steem.

Very good post, well done!

Totally Agree with you

just arrived here, I like your style, waiting for more!

Or, the actual scare is to lure us away from the actual issues at hand. What those are, are beyond me.

That being said, fears of race wars and fears of other countries are the perfect fear tactics to sway the majority of the public away from any nefarious actions that may or may not be occurring behind the scenes.

The MSM are just doing their job of keeping the Sheeple in fear and not allowing them to awaken. Turn off the TV!