How You Write Reflects How Much You Respect Yourself

in dtube •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Do you always write with smileys, do you like to write "xD" or do you like to ignore grammar and punctuation? Or even worse, all of it?

What you say and how you look gives people an idea of who you are. The same is true for your writing online or offline.

I am a very analytical person and I have the ability to see what other people do not see.


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Care About How you Write

Actually, you don't need to give a shit because it is your life, but when other people are involved aka when they read your writing then it ain't about you alone anymore.

You are here on Steem to make money so take it seriously.

Who will you respect more? The person that cares about punctuation, grammar and formatting or the person that writes:


What you write plays a huge role as well but this post is not about that topic.

Also, I recommend to stop using smileys or writing shit like "xD". When I see people writing that I immediately know that they lack testosterone and self-respect.

So if you want to be an authority, a person that is taken seriously, then you have to care about punctuation, grammar, formatting and what you write.

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Thank you! I so agree.

My parents were sticklers for correct grammar and punctuation, as my dad was a teacher, and mom probably should have been. They had an amazing library, which my sisters and I took full advantage of, which enabled all of us to take or education much further than what we were exposed to in our formal schooling.

This is why FB and Twitter drive me to distraction, with all the intentional misspellings and obfuscations, that result in the real point of what the author is saying being lost in the drivel.

Your post reminded me of one of my favorite poems, by Taylor Mali, who taught school in a private school in NYC before becoming a full time poet.

The poem is about the ongoing destruction of the English language by people who are "too cool" to speak correctly, and my favorite part is the last two stanzas:

"I entreat you, I implore you, I exhort you,
I challenge you: To speak with conviction.

To say what you believe in a manner that bespeaks
the determination with which you believe it.
Because contrary to the wisdom of the bumper sticker,
it is not enough these days to simply QUESTION AUTHORITY.
You have to speak with it, too."

Very good comment and I agree 100%.

I can not take people who write like children seriously and I am not interested in what they write.

Yes, I agree. I'm really tired of people, online and otherwise, forgetting how to behave like adults.

It's as though they've completely forgotten (if they ever knew) how to have a polite disagreement with someone, without immediately devolving into slurs and name calling.

I'm admin on a couple of different FB groups, including a very large artist's group, and the sheer numbers of adult-aged children throwing online fits for no reason is staggering.

There seems to be a lot of that going around these days.

Argumenting with people that are clearly below you is a waste of time.

Great video! Keep respect yourself.

Thank you Bassuniverse.

I think this is a matter of personal preference. It also matters what you're writing and who your intended audience is.

Using emojis is fun for me and has no impact on my self-respect. My intention is usually for the reader to enjoy what they're reading. If the reader hates slang or a conversational style, they'll hate my writing.

There is a wide range of writers and readers out there; not one style fits all.

Surely it does, if you have an audience of nerds they will surely appreciate smileys.

I don't understand what you're saying ^^
If you'd used an emoji, it could've been clearer ;)

I love that you left in the part where you lost your train of thought. :D Made me smile. Thank you for that!

Congratulations on 100 posts in a row!! Huge achievement!

Have a wonderful day!

Thank you my lovely Snooky.

You too.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

edited* Ohhhh I made a new Sims video :D just used the music with no words BUT it's a good dance beat!! Not exactly what you suggested but think it's better than the elevator music I had before. <laughing>

Do you have that saying in Germany? "elevator music" ? Here it means old people music.

Thank You!!! I will try and have a good day but have a very bad cold going we will see how today goes. I might have to make some more monsters so Carl has some friends in the lava fields LOLLL

Oh good Gosh, I wrote a book. I guess I had more to say then I thought :D

In Germany, we call that music "Schlager".

Get well soon, I don't mind you saying more than necessary.

Agreed, writing is practically as unique and informative about the writer as the lines on his/her face. There are many useful tools being made for analyzing user's writing styles, here's a very simple "positive or negative" sentiment analysis tool- you might like this:

Interesting tool, thank you for sharing it.

So true! Thank you very much for this informative video! What country are you from? I'm from Germany and it's sometimes very hard to write in English because punctuation is very different from German. I think Steem is more like a protest for some people. I only signed up because I wanted to watch my favorite creators videos not on YouTube but on DTube because of YouTube's recent developments. I could watch them on YouTube, but here I've got no ads. I don't expect to earn much, maybe 6$ or so, I wouldn't spend my time here if there weren't any good videos.

I am German as well.

That's cool. I'll definitely keep watching. :)

Check this post out to kickstart your Steem journey!

Respect yourself

We are all alone, born alone, die alone, and—in spite of True Romance magazines—we shall all someday look back on our lives and see that, in spite of our company, we were alone the whole way. I do not say lonely—at least, not all the time—but essentially, and finally, alone. This is what makes your self-respect so important, and I don't see how you can respect yourself if you must look in the hearts and minds of others for your happiness

My post ain't about looking to find happiness in others.

great post....Respect Yourself


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thanks a lot for useful post @valorforfreedom! you are doing really good job i look forward your next post

Thank you.

Really ,i tell you my brother, the patterns of writing speeks a lot about the writers.wether he or she knows exactly he is writing on or he just after money.when i see some shit comment ,i began to imagine whether those people know the goal of this community or they jump into it because money is attached to it. Thanks for bringing this into our notice for us to take step of improvement in our writing.

I love my new stats footer.

Very nice footer, I didn't even realize until you pointed it out here. My eyes should have caught the shiny golden valknut, shame on me.

And I agree, with especially longer form text, any extra filler or distracting garbage that can distract from your main point is just that: a distraction that makes it take longer to get to the point. By then you may have already lost them.

Also I actually like that you kept the film rolling. It shows you as very genuine and not like those blooper reals where they break character and are suddenly a different person. It's a fun candid side to see.

Thank you Evan.

Man, you dont take this seriously yourself, and you keep preaching others ? wth, if you took it seriously you would stop the video after you lost context , and did another take when you actually know what you want to talk about. I gave a thumbs up, but you left extremely bad impression after this video for me. I dont judge people on what they say, i judge people on what they do. You did something opposite to the stuff you were trying to preach, and that leaves an impression that you dont follow what you say yourself.

A written post and a Vlog are two entirely different mediums. The common factor is connecting with your audience. In a blog post you connect with your audience via your writing style. In a Vlog, the Vlogger’s physical presence offers additional ways for him to connect with his audience.

In @valorforfreedom’s Vlog, when he lost his train of thought, he engaged in a dialog with himself to get back on track. This was an opportunity to connect with his audience by sharing a common human experience. We all lose our train of thought at times. When this happens during a conversation, we generally, ask “what was I saying” or say, “it’s on the tip of my tongue.” The other person responds, “you were talking about ____________.” Since we all have been in this situation at one time or another, we can relate to @valorforfreedom, on a personal level.

He didn’t include this in the written blog, because it would not have served a purpose. It would have distracted the reader. Instead of focusing on his message I would have thought why doesn’t he just read what he already wrote? Which in turn would cause me to question whether I want to follow someone who lacks common sense.

Thus, he did practice what he was preaching, because he was discussing written posts. As, for self-respect, I see his video as consistent with self-respect, because he keeps it real, that is his style. He remained true to himself, if that isn’t self-respect I don’t know what is!

What I love about @valorforfreedom, is his brutal honesty. He doesn’t sugar-coat the issues he discusses. This makes me reflect on my life and act. Today, I was emotionally and physically drained after taking care of my elderly mother. I debated blowing off my balance class at the gym this evening and taking it easy. Then I watched his Vlog, Road to 100000 Steem Power Day 101, he discussed how he had to force himself to go to the gym. He mentioned that he ran into his gym buddies and they had a great time. This changed my focus from something I should do to something I wanted to do, see my gym friend.

I went to my balance class, exercised, and had a few laughs with my friends. I came home mentally and physically revived!

I agree with what you say but I am not writing in my video, I am talking.

I am also not cutting that out of my video because everyone has brain fog sometimes and I am not a demigod.

I always post in Vlog style, I keep it real.

So before you talk shit and leave a bad impression you better think twice.

& Everyone judges people on what they say so don't pretend that you are not.

Look what you are doing yourself instead you music reposting idiot instead of going around hating on other peoples posts not knowing what the fuck you are talking about.

Your response was beyond rude.
I'm not gonna waste my time here.
Before you start calling someone a music reposting idiot, do a minimum research.

I have never seen a guy write using smileys unless they were talking to a girl

Excellent post, thanks for sharing

You won't reach anything with such comments.

Read this post:

This is absolutely correct. You are what you write. Your personality and your attitude could reflect on your writings. Thumbs up for this.

Thank you.

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