Dtube Tips - upload video

in dtube •  7 years ago  (edited)

Dtube - upload video tip 1

Since i m using Dtube to upload my vdeos,
i made this video to show how easy it is to use DTube.

Hope u like it and Upvote
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Nice Tut

I love the idea of this video hosting site. But it is still a massive trainwreck. If they want it to go mainstream, they are gonna need to focus on ease of use. 1st and 2nd priority.

Then fixing the bugs!! It took me forever just to be able to upload a video in the exact video AND audio format Dtube wants. But finally got some vids uploaded.
Now, all the sudden, my videos no longer work.
With some vague error message (either the network server is down, or your videos are in an unsupported format). wtf? The videos were uploaded to Dtube and worked just fine.

So now my problem is compounded. I dont know whether Dtube needs to address the issue, or I need to address the issue. Much less, knowing HOW exactly to address it.

Is there a forum or online help community somewhere concerning Dtube?

I have exacly the same issue. i dont know if local ipfs will help, being dtube decentralized plataform...or just changing the gateway sometimes helps.
For files to upload i normaly use mp4 and dont have problems...
i wich there was a blog/community for dtube.. they should have a better FAQ, support or even a simple chatbot to help new users to dsolve some simple problems and to promote the plataform... i believe a good steemit wiki, explaining all plataform would help promote steem

Has anyone tried this on an iPad? I'm on an iPad, and this has never worked.

I am in an iPad - it has never worked.

good question...never tried it

It seems that a lot of developers are not thououghly testing across platforms - that's a big audience of users being missed out on. I'll keep waiting 😊

I believe this is the big problem with this kind of platforms and open source projects. Until they are "taken serious" by people, there will not be that many developers putting their time on it. reflecting in the lack of support for this kind of questions/tickets.

I know and see that the guys behind steemit are working hard, maybe we would like to have more stuff not just a redesign of the site and image.

Supporting, sharing, making steem heard and using it has a serious plataform, i pretty sure that it s a question when not if, so have steemit with a more serious approach that it deserves.

we ll keep waiting ;)

Thank you.....My problem is it is taking forever to upload my video....(just over 1 hour in length.). I am still using DSL.

Do you have any recommendations?

Hi, sorry about the late reply... Sometimes i takes some time, what i normally do, is retry to upload... i started with small videos and they do take sometime, dont forget this is still beta, and depends a lot of the "servers" that is - Local IPFS and the Gateway . I m trying to make a local IPFS, because i have an old mac here mac still working on it... Be patient and support Dtube for it to grow! Dont forget this is still Beta, and developers are working on it hard, to do it better! only users like us can help them, by using it and comment on bugs, add ons, and so on. Sorry i coundnt give u a quick answer and a way to solve your upload time problem, but i hope i could help in any way.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Nice vid! Somebody knows why some vids are not able to be found via search? Just 2 of my vids can be found by searching the main word of the vid title.

Nice Vid! :D