RE: Would You Learn an Entire Language & Or Re-Locate to Another Country Just to Be With Someone? :D

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Would You Learn an Entire Language & Or Re-Locate to Another Country Just to Be With Someone? :D

in dtube •  6 years ago 

Not a chance in the world, lol. After many failed relationships I've come to the realization that in order to find happiness, you must love yourself. Making such a drastic change as relocating and also learning a language for someone else means that you are making your happiness dependent on another person. Following the heart can also lead you down a path very wrong for your happiness. I can only speak from an American man's perspective. Where I am at is a dead zone for lasting relationships. Just a tinder world here in Southern California. I will make content in the future about how I've come to the realization of living for myself first and foremost.

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What about after you love yourself @zainenn ? Like Justin Beiber says, "never say never" and just because you cannot imagine a world in which you do, doesn't mean you should close your mind off to relocation, especially when you live in the dead zone of Orange County.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Haha. Loving Yourself is a lifetime goal. I take myself out, I treat myself kindly and respect myself. Traditional women are a thing of the past, it is extremely rare to find a women with more feminine traits than masculine traits. Shoot, even women are wondering where all the "good guys" went and are 35+ still scrolling tinder. Meanwhile they have orbiting beta men around them who are just hoping for a chance paying their every meal. MGTOW was a puzzle peice that solidified my worldview recently. I'm in the "red pill rage" phase. I spent more then half of my life being the nice guy, I'm done paying for women who dont need no man.

Also you know my plan, I told you about it on discord haha

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Where I am at is a dead zone for lasting relationships. Just a tinder world here in Southern California.

That sounds so depressing. Payback for all the great weather I guess. Pain-pleasure theory.

It is pretty depressing, feminism runs rampant here. That's one of the motivating reasons for me planning my California exit. Weather is overrated, everywhere has AC and heating haha.

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I don't think it necessarily means you don't love yourself, you could be a helpless romantic or just a giver & doer, no? What if where you are presumably moving is offering a better living standards & opportunities as well? Idk, there's just a lot to consider.

You Mean people don't meet at the bar anymore in California? lol

Sure they do, but I mean the whole "white picket fence" stay at home mom is a thing of the past. Women in the States have more rights then men and there is no incentive for men to have relationships unless they are looking to procreate. I dont deny that good women exist that I could love, I just am not holding my breathe anymore. Jeronimo made a video talking about how love is where the heart is. My heart is one of traditional family values, something that rarely exists in modern time America ( at least in California for sure). Meeting someone of worth at a bar is a lost cause. Sure I can go out and pick up a girl no problem, that's not the issue. The issue is a lack of quality women who strives to raise a family and take care of her man and household. Now women are looking to get a career and go to school into their 30s. Then they date 50+ different guys throughout school. No man wants a tattooed promiscuous women to raise his children.

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